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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Richard Gere has entered the chat
  2. Or we would bring on Wilson, Murphy, Anderson, Willock, Joelinton, Tonali, etc. Which, as others have said, hasn't been possible. Most pundits aren't that interested (or clever).
  3. How old are you by the way? Asking for a psychopath.
  4. You could see Jadeja pull up short when he was run out. Hamstring by the look of it, so could be out for a while. Please.
  5. Need CT and Fish to make a prediction to counter that thought
  6. Don't fucking start that again
  7. Yes it's been a long day. 🙂
  8. Against my own rules but...
  9. I suppose if one of those goals keeps you in the PL.
  10. Just another shining example of the bacon muncher's ineptitude.
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