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Everything posted by Isegrim

  1. I am still not sure what to make out of all this. I feel empty. I feel betrayed by Mike Ashley and all his words and actions. But I start to feel let down by Keegan as well. All his talk about not walking out again, unfinished business etc. when he came back. There are also things I still don't understand. Xisco is quoted saying that he spoke to Keegan on Monday before he signed. KK told him about his plans for the future. What happened afterwards for Keegan to walk out? Or did Keegan just put on a good face on the matter like had done all the months before. Why didn't he act much earlier then?
  2. I am thinking about how long it will take until I get over this and if I will ever be able to develop the same passion watching Newcastle again. At the moment something has died in me. I would never have become a Newcastle fan if it hadn't been for my boyhood adoration of Keegan. I got over 1997 because Internet was very new to me. So I got all the reaction with some delay and could settle with it then. Now is different. It's childish, but I am close to tears. I have been going through a difficult time in the last couple of months with my mother diagnosed having severe cancer. Knowing that Keegan is in charge of Newcastle again gave me something to cheer about. Only a couple of week ago I was in Newcastle and excited like a small child seeing all the Keegan related merchandise. I was even so stupid and bought one of those tacky T-Shirts with Keegan No. 1 at the back. I probably jinxed it. This has all suddenly gone. There is just emptiness and sadness left.
  3. Sure? I think those trees aree really there.
  4. You talk it over, reach an agreement and then put it in writing. To put it in a letter is as good as daring him to resign. I'm fucking disgusted. They have been in 'extensive discussions' for 2 days, the only way to formalise the club's position is to then put in writing. Has no one beng paying attention to events? And apparently not reached an agreement. Because sending him the letter with a content that didn't satisfy Keegan was more or less begging him to resign (something they probably were aware of, but now saves them some compensation). Ok fair enough, this is not worth arguing about. It just seemed normal to me after debating the points for 2 days. Going to the pub. Am utterly deflated, but at times like these we all need to stick together. It's indeed not worth arguing about. I had to go to buy some beer as I feel the need to get drunk today.
  5. Sounds very plausable Sounds unbelievable to be honest. The Schweinsteiger story sounds too far fetched.
  6. You talk it over, reach an agreement and then put it in writing. To put it in a letter is as good as daring him to resign. I'm fucking disgusted. They have been in 'extensive discussions' for 2 days, the only way to formalise the club's position is to then put in writing. Has no one beng paying attention to events? And apparently not reached an agreement. Because sending him the letter with a content that didn't satisfy Keegan was more or less begging him to resign (something they probably were aware of, but now saves them some compensation).
  7. After you agree about the principles, otherwise you just "talk" down to an employee because you are not arsed about his reaction.
  8. Shh. I wouldn't mention the spelling of boycott..
  9. Being harsh they show a bit of promise but aren't good enough on their own to move us up the table. Then again even with the system working, they've been hamstrung by a shit budget which is down to Ashley. ST money? TV money? You know what I dont even know why I am posting. I am so pissed off it is unreal I dont think I have thought things through properly. There just seems to be know way out of this. EWith Shepherd i alwys had this thought that someone could get rid of him because he was not the majority share holder but who is going to get rid of Ashley. I can only say whay I used to about the old fat cunt. Stop spending money on the toon till he loses enough to fuck off. A quite categoric fact, which I'm sure you will totally ignore, is that no manager has walked out on us like this since McKeag and Westwood. I don't know why you feel the need to bring in Shepherd, Hall or anybody else. I really can't be arsed just now to argue about this so I'll leave it but don't bracket today with anything the Halls and Shepherd did, because nothing they did was as shite as this. I totally agree. It's so bad it's unbelievable. Sending Keegan a fucking letter. How stupid can someone be. The numptie should go back managing night clubs in London. He's probably only capable in dealing with whores, drug dealers and bouncers.
  10. Absolutely astonishing. Unbelievable. My heart still says: It's not Ashley. Ashley is on holidays. It's just the numpties that are the problem. Ashley will come back and sack them seeing what's going on. Keegan is coming back. I know this is unrealistic wishful thinking.
  11. YOU FAT LYING DESPICABLE WORM! I'm gonna drop the twat if I see him If Ashley is really behind all this and it's not down to his appointed numpties (Labiarse sending Keegan a letter today) then I still can't understand how some be such a lying two-faced dickhead.
  12. I cannot grasp how someone can be so stupid. All of the current set up were replaceable bar the manager. Cunts all of them.
  13. Keegan. I don't want to accept it's all over.
  14. It's this kind of stuff you seem to build your opinions on though.
  15. My thoughts exactly. Could be but what is unarguable is that Mort was the one who implemented it. Which still makes him (and Keegan) Ashley's only sensible appointments.
  16. Poland/Happy Auntie's houses face[/kraut humour]
  17. You answer that question yourself - he's where the buck stops as far as idiotic executive appointments are concerned. Beat me to it. He created this situation and he did it within a fortnight of bringing KK back to the club. And it was calculated. Calculated to do what though? Undermine the man he'd just appointed? I think it's more a case of Ashley being clueless about running a football club, about KK and about NUFC. I don't think he is totally clueless about running the club. As others have said it, he just got it totally wrong by appointing the wrong people (bar Keegan). The structure isn't bad per se. It would be alright if the people were working within the limits they allegedly were supposed to do according to the job description for the public. For example, it isn't that bad to relieve the manager (Keegan) from some business duties as long as he has the final say on matters like transfers and contract within the financial limits. Ashley probably isn't lying when he says that he bought the club to enjoy it as a football fan. It is his weekend plaything. That's why he isn't directly involved in the daily running of it and concentrating on his other business stuff. Shame that he unlike Abramowitch couldn't appoint the right people. He has no Peter Kenyon with vast experience who he can rely to. He has Labiarse. Wise isn't used to his role either. That's why those probably thought without Ashley running the club himself they can do things as they want to and gradually pushing Keegan out of things. It's just guesswork from, but if things are like this then the situation would easily resolved by getting rid of those who aren't up to their job and appoint people who have a clue and are actually caring (like in the past). The latter is probably a problem as well. I can't see for example Wise and Labiarse working on things with a fraction of enthusiasm like Shepherd did.
  18. Apparently has a complicated injury without the extend it being known. That's why his contract got suspended earlier this year. http://www.uefa.com/competitions/ucl/news/...sid=646570.html
  19. Mainly by Parky tbf I think it's fair to say that something (or things) happened very recently that were the final straw for the bloke. I sincerely believe he's acting with the fans best interests at heart too. I'm completely unconvinced the others are doing the same. I will stand with him. No worries. I have no doubt he was with us....to the end... I agree, I don't think he had any allies once Mort went either. None with any influence anyway. I think we are beginning to realise what a decent man Mort was. Its not a question of deceny, think its a question of politics. I posted this on NO last night, dont have muc time today so havent edited it for this thread but you'll get the gist as alex has already said virtually the same thing earlier on in this thread. Listen to the man, he speaks a lot of sense (yesterday as well). Chez for chairman.
  20. Not even long term after getting the wage bill sorted and the dead wood shifted? Don't believe the hype. Ashley thinks it's Millets, stupid fat cunt. It takes a special kind of moron to fall out with what is basically the prime asset ie KK. I actually still think the fall out doesn't involve Ashley tbh. He set the scene, he undermined KK, he talked down to him, he lied to him, he gave this little fuckhead Lambastard ideas that he could mess with KK....Believe me the scene was set from the top. Totally, pre-determined.... I believe you as much as with all your other revelations/predictions/halluzinations tbh.
  21. Not even long term after getting the wage bill sorted and the dead wood shifted? Don't believe the hype. Ashley thinks it's Millets, stupid fat cunt. It takes a special kind of moron to fall out with what is basically the prime asset ie KK. I actually still think the fall out doesn't involve Ashley tbh.
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