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Everything posted by Howay

  1. The fact we can't be sure says it all about them. No doubt they've called off the search and will be left behind by the time summer comes around as clubs weighing up making a change will sound out the blokes on the supposed list.
  2. Don't know if he'll manage the same role in the film version mind. Doubt he's big enough to carry much water.
  3. Plays the role of 'Clogger'
  4. McClaren is canny but they can fuck off if they've sat twiddling their thumbs waiting for him, needs to be better if we're going to make a stupid risk like this. Mind I don't expect any better.
  5. That's fucking tragic, calling him JC as well ffs! I love when they say stuff like "he knows the club inside and out" I'm sure there's a staff member that has been at the club for 30 year but it doesn't make them fucking qualified to manage the side. Sickening write up by another club mouth piece tbh. I've no idea why they keep dragging Sir Bobby's name up constantly either as if being near him made Carver know what he's doing, if that was the case can we hire Terry McDermott as well. "The big grumble from some fans will be that we haven’t brought somebody in." Aye just a slight grumble isn't it? so they've spent another transfer window fucking about with the idea that they would at least get a manager, instead we've not improved the squad or got a new manager. Moncur wants to be ashamed of that bilge.
  6. What has he said now? Charnley now strutting round jabbering about how no one was good enough and they're going to postpone the search until summer Postpone! As Isegrim said this only makes sense if they have someone lined up. They best have someone fucking good as well because if we have to suffer through another nightmare 16 game run ending in hopefully squeaking survival to get some gimp like Bruce in they want their bollocks chopped. Of course the other possibility is we get relegated and Ashley sacks Charnley for fucking up and again proves we're just fucking winging it on a yearly basis.
  7. Anita's a canny 1500m runner by the looks of it mind, not sure of what else he does.
  8. The biggest problem looking at the fixtures is I don't see any way we can go on a decent run where we can build any confidence, we don't even get the confidence bump from a new manager coming in. May is the only month where we play a few poor teams in a row but by then it may be too late or those teams will be scrapping for their lives and we've shown little fight in the past tbh. I have no confidence whatsoever that Carver can get us to crawl over the line, we just have to hope that an 8 point gap is enough of a buffer over 16 games but it's not a lot. If we reach March without a win we're totally fucked.
  9. You're right tbh, must admit I'm hoping it doesn't win on account of how shit it was but it no doubt will win some awards.
  10. Aye, this is a fucking nightmare appointment. One we all thought was likely to happen until the summer but it's utterly shit nonetheless. They've yet again took a gamble that we'll survive but I think this one is the riskiest they've attempted as Carver is shocking, his choices took us from a winning position to a draw with one of the worst sides in the league. We also have a horrific run of fixtures coming up, playing all of the top sides plus the mackems, which will no doubt result in fuck all points from this tosser. I know we all feel we know their intentions (avoid relegation and nowt else) but seeing shite like this where they're basically gambling on scraping by for nigh on half a fucking season yet again is gutting.
  11. Boro have played really well and beaten Man City in the cup, guess they didn't get the memo that you can't be messing about with cups as there's no point in them.
  12. Does it keep you up to date on what Darren Fletcher is doing?
  13. Very interesting stuff especially this gem: "Schuster will replace interim coach John Carver (50) and may even bring a wizard." Thanks Google translate
  14. Aye think we're seeing a new battle in Lee's life.
  15. Fully agree on all points, especially the bit where you mention he has probably ran out of blokes he knows who can come in and take over for him. It's just a joke them trying to cover their incompetence by saying they're conducting what seems to be the most exhaustive search for the perfect manager in football history when their track record in that department has been the one of the most haphazard in football. Aye the argument is that Charnley and Carr are in control so it's different but I'm still not confident of that, if Carr was so highly thought of why was Kinnear able to walk in and instantly cancel the free transfer of Douglas, something Carr had been working on for fucking years. Our run up to March is a rough one when you look at recent results and the 6 games from March into April are nothing short of a fucking nightmare, we need someone that can manage a team and can win tactical battles Carver isn't capable of either. Agree as well that Carver is the Hughton gamble but that he also holds none of Hughton's ability.
  16. Aye, the whole "it just shows that we back our man when we have him so make no plans in case he leaves" argument is utter shite as him walking out proves because the statement depends on you losing faith in him and chucking him being the only way he could ever leave, so if they actually thought or believed that they are utterly incompetent as you say. It's the whole Carroll, Cabaye etc issues all over again, either no forward planning whatsoever because they simply don't want change or they're going to risk the cheaper option and see how it plays out. It makes me feel Ashley plays a much larger hand than he/they let on as this situation is somewhat similar to the one that ended with Hughton's appointment, he was caretaker manager for a good portion of that Championship season with no appointment being made and that was under a different bloke than Charnley. They should have had a list of blokes that they would feel is right for the job in case Pardew left anything less than that is incompetent tbh. Even if their plan all along was to basically hope Carver can limp to the end of the season and even hope he turns out to be capable in the same way Hughton did it's ridiculous.
  17. Aye about time tbh. "It’s as if, insultingly, Mike Ashley and his immediate inferiors believe if they say nothing, nobody will notice just how contrary to the spirit of competition this club has become." They have been correct in believing that though, all you have to do is listen to most pundits and you'd think everything was rosy and Newcastle fans are just deluded whiners. The stuff Lineker come out with the other week surprised me as it's one of the first times I've heard a notable person come out and say something like that, even Shearer avoids saying things of that nature.
  18. It's the shit that clings onto the hair up your bum. So an apt description of our club, with the arse being the club and the clinging winnets would be Pardew, Charnley, Carver etc.
  19. They also have the additional revenue stream of employees paying for parking. Like Ewerk and HF have said I think their finances have been a bit of a disaster in recent years.
  20. Have they sold them half season tickets yet? They'll be selling them just before the announcement if they haven't. Penfold is a right winnet like, still cant get over his interview man. How much information could they possibly need to collect about candidates?
  21. Why would you go through with that bet man? What a winnet, I'd just be like fuck that man better to look less of a 'Lad' or whatever ridiculous status he thought was on the line if he didn't go through with it then be stuck with that on your arm for life.
  22. "As they edge towards decision" it's more like a twenty mile crawl over broken glass, they've had ample fucking time to appoint someone by now man how much time do they really need? Hull, Stoke, Palace, City then Villa is the run into March with Hull and Palace being the most likely points but they're both away from home I really fear 2-3 points from that bunch under Carver. Leaving us under 31 points with 11 games to go including Man utd, Everton, Arsenal, Mackems, Liverpool and Spurs (all in a run of games as well), we'll be in real trouble if Carver is still in charge by that point.
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