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Everything posted by Howay

  1. We have hardly any staff, I'd think the post Allardyce clear out would take some beating tbh. Footballs unbelievable when you think of the money useless pricks like Carver and Stone are on.
  2. Honestly that's utterly pathetic from the admission that they had no contingency plan no matter how shit Pardews performance was onward. They act like they are cool and calm planners but then basically say they had no plan in place in case anything happened with their manager, fucking losers, utter fucking losers. "I hope that by the end of this week I will have a better indication of where we sit." Fucking hell that means absolutely nothing at all. Also talking about how bringing forward the intended summer signings the other year was at a significant cost, how much is that significant cost? Gouffran was about half a million, Sissoko and Haidara were about 2m each (with Sissoko apparently waiving away his bonus with Toulouse to push through the move), Debuchy and Mbiwa were 5m or so but I can't see how they would have been much cheaper in the summer and we sold Debuchy on for a decent profit anyway, what a boring way to look at a football club. "the worst thing I could do is over-promise and under-deliver" He doesn't have to over-promise to fulfill the second part of that statement. I know we all pretty much assumed this is how they thought (and they have said sort of similar in the past with regards to the cups etc) but it's still depressing to just hear it flat out said. I've never liked glory hunters but I'd be hard pressed to think a kid was wrong to grow up and support Chelsea or Man City or something with this lot in charge. No matter how shit the club from where you're from (or have a connection with etc all you out of towners, although you're a bigger bunch of sadists than us lot from Newcastle) you stick with them but this is different they just want to run it as a complete and utter business with no ambition besides that.
  3. We've been linked to this lad before, think he was canny last year when we were after him as he had a good run of goals but seems to have had a rough season this year going by what Andrew says. I think we'll only get him if Cisse leaves mind.
  4. Nail on the head tbh. Carver was basically there to provide a link between the players and the manager it would seem, the bloke has temper tantrums like a five year old and what seems like very little tactical nous, he's just not cut out for it basically. I think we're in real trouble if he is in charge until the end of the season as I don't see him picking up many points let alone the 18 or so it'll take.
  5. Aye Neville done a whole thing about how if there is any type of contact it's not a dive.
  6. The scary part is I could actually see him thinking most of this stuff.
  7. Yup, they definitely rush players back and have done for a while. We've also got a staff that looks like they'd have an outdated view on training techniques with people like Carver and Stone running the show, so I definitely agree they'll be running like a cross country team tbh.
  8. They have a friendly rivalry with Portsmouth, I say friendly as since we're doing stereotypes all southerners are far too soft to do proper rivalries and are merely disgruntled with each other.
  9. Aye must be tough answering phones all day, leaves little time to listen to what Alan Carr's dad has to say about some player he thinks will be good for us.
  10. Maybe he's off on holiday, the last bloke in his role used to take a nice break around this time of the year.
  11. A small amount more than I felt before the game but it's easier to get a team pumped up to play against a side like Chelsea. I'm sure we'll win again I think I'm just sick and tired of having to think that Ashley might fuck around and appoint a bloke as pathetic as Carver. I fully agree that he's not good enough to be even an assistant manager for a Premier league club, I see him as the sort of bloke screaming at the under-12's from the touchline and considering cutting the skillful lad who's a bit short from the team. I'm still holding out hope that this is just Ashley pissing around trying to distract from not signing anyone and that he'll appoint a manager first week of Feb, then again why would he give a fuck? he already knows we all think he's a fucking slug.
  12. We'd go down with Carver tbh, from the evidence so far we'll be lucky to win any more games under him. Ashley can do what he fucking wants the fat wank but it's only going to cost him millions if he fucks about appointing a prick like Carver. Can't wait to see the back of this horrible cunt of an owner, it's fucking gash following the club under him.
  13. Don't think they really got that much of a chance to play together, and when they did Mbiwa was clearly trying to adapt to playing in the Premier league as well.
  14. Could work out very well if we get in Garde who likes to have the ball played out from the back, I'm sure he'd far prefer Mbiwa for that than Williamson.
  15. Aye, it was a good goal but as someone said earlier I think Kasami's was better as it was very similar in that it was a chest then shot but it was from a harder angle. I still like Zlatan's back heel volley and Van Persie's header out of the nominees.
  16. The Irish lass went untouched man, I highly doubt that would have been in case in a top flight game. The defender would have made a move for the cross or become physical with the player rather than just stand watching them, that's before factoring in the level of goalkeeper as Tom mentioned. It's a good goal by the lass but the level of football she was playing at should factor in as Tom and others pointed out, she done well to get nominated and be in the running but it'd have been a bit silly if a non-league reserve team goal won the award.
  17. Sounds great, hopefully he does get the job and lives up to this sort of hype. Then we can finally sign Grenier
  18. Aye true enough, not that I think manager matters in our system for transfers but I think you're right that their interest is focused on that. Bony aside it has been a pretty slow January to be fair, just we normally get some rumours that keep the debate going but we're getting nothing.
  19. It's also easier to stand out when playing alongside bilge like Gouffran instead of Hazard. Jose definitely loves Willian though, he's such a hard worker for the side and to be fair often causes headaches for teams whenever I've seen him.
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