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Everything posted by Howay

  1. Aye RvP's should have won imo too, he is a total fucking tosser though so I hope he feels completely robbed.
  2. This transfer window's fucking woeful, we're barely even being linked to people.
  3. Aye I third the Lucy assessment, it was fucking dogshit tbh.
  4. Agree with all of this. I think Cabaye had a chance to go on to a top side and become a regular starter due to his skill set he just went to the wrong one tbh (I'm sure he's happy enough with the money and being in France etc though), Sissoko I'm not as convinced about, he's a good player no doubt but I'm not sure if he's that level really, unless he keeps improving from his current level of course but the bench would be his most likely place if he went to a proper CL level club and it's hard to improve from there. Agree it's one of those things we expect players to be thinking and coming out with it is just a bit disrespectful, we're under no illusions about Ashley and I don't think anyone doubts the players fully understand the situation but just shut the fuck up eh Sissoko. It's a bit hard when he comes out with stuff like this and then expects fans to get behind the team, again I understand that he also might just be made to say stuff about the fans getting behind the side and may not be that arsed (talking about players in general btw not something Sissoko has specifically said). Modern footballs depressing .
  5. This, I get peoples fear about Ashley but putting Carver in charge puts us at a massive risk of relegation even from the position we're in this year let alone giving him a full season. The blokes fucking clueless tbh. I think he'll look for a manager who can get performances out of players which would raise their value rather than just trying to save a little bit on a manager.
  6. :lol: Changed his tune from the fucking ridiculous comments he made a few week back saying they were very similar to us. He's spot on there they're completely fucking shit and have been for a long long time, thankfully Pardew has finally fucked off so we can go back to battering them like every other team in the league does.
  7. Maybe they could give Carver the Liverpool job when they force Rodgers out, wonder if he'd be as keen about that.
  8. I loved Nightcrawler, Gyllenhaal is a right horrible bastard in it .
  9. I'm assuming by the way that he has set it up that he sees Janmaat and Santon as bigger liabilities than Dummett at fullback. We're going to get a right fucking kicking, I hope they aren't rushing Krul back as this is a pointless one to rush him into. Barely even worth watching this one especially with the knacker we have in charge, not that it would be a win with anyone else it's just going to add to the frustration watching his subs etc.
  10. He does seem like a good choice tbh, Bernard said in the Chronicle that Garde is good at bringing through youth and is an excellent coach. I'm happy if they're going to take their time and pick out of blokes of his quality, if it's out of Garde, Clement, De Boer and co and they take a couple more weeks it's not problem as in all honestly it'd be a tough ask to walk in with Chelsea and Southampton the first two games. If they spend weeks faffing on and bring in a chancer like Sherwood they can fuck clean off. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/big-clamour-remi-garde-next-8396841 Or we could all listen to Micky Quinn's analysis which basically amounts to "who the fucks this Remi Garde fella? you want Stevie Bruce in the job man"
  11. They'll learn, then we can call them deluded pricks.
  12. That would require outlay and a modicum of ambition Ant, can't be messing about like that they're running a business. I'm sure Ashley has been loving all of this btw, first he gets paid to shift Pardew and then Pardew leaving covers up the fact we're doing next to fuck all in the window.
  13. I thought similar when I read the Lone Survivor, half the book was devoted to telling you how the navy seals are the greatest fighting force the planet has ever seen. The stuff about training he went into was interesting but there was literally pages of just hyperbole about how great navy seals are. Think it's hard for these top American soldiers not to talk about that sort of thing, I didn't notice it anywhere near as much in Bravo Two Zero and the one that got away. Also thanks for reminding me it's awards season lads, completely forgot and am a bit behind with all these films.
  14. "Bye bye NUFC!" Is a caption by him? or is it that NUFC stats account doing it?
  15. We did eventually get THE King though!
  16. We accounted for nearly all of Kenny Millers goals that year in all.
  17. True enough, just 4 counter attacks for their goals, they barely had the ball out their half ffs.
  18. Aye I remember that one, I remember Bellamy climbing all over the back of a player to get our goal and the ref just letting it go probably just felt sorry for us.
  19. Aye it always makes me laugh when I hear pundits point to Allardyce leaving as the reason we went down, we were tragic under that bloke and even if it didn't happen that year (which it probably would have) it was coming. The fact is that most fans had pretty much given up hope of him getting sacked by the time Ashley did get round to sacking him anyway. I remember saying I'd rather Championship football than Allardyce and I still stick by that team under him was utterly depressing to watch. Both teams should have been docked points for that Fulham game, it was embarrassing. We've watched some right fucking shite during Ashley's tenure
  20. The two games I'd challenge anyone to watch and stick up for him are that Portsmouth drubbing at home where we went 3-0 down after 20 mins and the Fulham away game we won 1-0 on a last minute Barton penalty. Absolute fucking shite.
  21. That's it like, it's always different watching a team week in week out than looking at a form table or a recent game and passing comment. Like IndianMag said I think most pundits couldn't give a fuck about most teams outside the bigger sides so all they do is take a quick look at recent results and see a couple wins and go "he's doing a good job".
  22. Aye I thought that, he managed Southampton in fucking league one with players like Ricky Lambert, Adam Lallana etc. So his win record at us was 38% just 2% better than Bruce who has managed utter dross his entire career, and 6% lower than Moyes who probably had a tighter budget than Pardew for the majority of his career. What a fucking tragic article, guess we all give him what he wanted which was clicks. This hounded out bollocks needs to stop as well, the real reasons he left was money, control of transfers and a return to London. As if a complete egotistical chode like Alan Pardew gave a flying fuck what the fans thought of him .
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