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Everything posted by luckyluke

  1. My favourite insult at the moment is 'bag of twats'.
  2. That wasn't what I was implying (but good point!). I was inferring that you're more likely to believe in looneybin creationist theories.
  3. No, I think mine is more accurate. He knows they are shit but doesn't want to admit it.
  4. Sarcasm doesn't travel well over the internet. And it doesn't help that you're American.
  5. We're still better at cricket though! 54366[/snapback] Pakistan A 54369[/snapback] I'll take your Pakistan A in a meaningless warm-up match and raise you a Bangladesh in a one-day international this summer 54371[/snapback] The Bangers are better then Zimbabwe hence our lost to the Bangers or your loss to Zimbabwe in 2003 Im scrapping the barral, you cant get worse then losing to the Bangers i guess... hmm im stumped (pardon the pun). Anyways back on to the topic of sex 54380[/snapback] And you're worse than us hence your loss to England this summer, right? 54388[/snapback] Well we lost to England in one series but the stats dont lie and we are still on top of the table for the ICC rankings. Anyways if we went by the theory that if you lose to them you must be worse then them, what about the series against Sri Lanka that England lost 1-0. Sri Lanka, i mean cmon, fair crack here. 54399[/snapback] I've tried to point out to you constructively how England are better than Australia, but as you clearly aren't listening I shall change my approach: You're shit, and you know you are.
  6. Not quite. It was a privilige for Alans dad to bash sheet metal for 15 hours a day, not a pressure. Then he'd go home and his fatha would beat him. Again, if he was lucky. 53959[/snapback] Yeah, but Nobby's dad used to work 18 hours a day in a taxi to feed six kids in a corrupt and bankrupt country then go home and get a beating off his Pa - if he was lucky. Then, as a second job he used to to out and clean the road with his tongue 54173[/snapback] At least Nobby's dad lived in a corrupt and bankrupt country. When Big Al's dad was working, folk were so poor they had to eat dirt to survive, with the result being that England disappeared into the sea. 54178[/snapback] Dirt? Nobby's dad sulphuric acid forced down his throat, and had to sleep in a sceptic tank.
  7. Quite. Being that shit and playing in the premiership does take a certain amount of cunning.
  8. Yes, but up to a maximum of four miles.
  9. Not quite. It was a privilige for Alans dad to bash sheet metal for 15 hours a day, not a pressure. Then he'd go home and his fatha would beat him. Again, if he was lucky. 53959[/snapback] Heard it was more like 27 hours a day tbh.
  10. Skol, in all seriousness I remember my coursework was a vitrolic tirade against university selection panels, with many a four lettered word, and references to oral sex, and I got an A for it. You should probably be okay.
  11. Johnson is class - "They can't touch me - I'm insured out of my arse"
  12. There's optimistic, and then there's certifiable.
  13. Like Palace last year Papa? Johnson just had to fall over within a few feet of a defender and they got a penalty!
  14. I definitely pass on that front. Renton - I didn't do physics so I had one subject spare. I was going to do history but changed at the last minute to English Language, to my regret.
  15. You should be kicked out for studying English Language. I did it for AS level, I'd expect anyone with a good grasp of the language to piss the exams without going to the lessons. A Level in common sense IMO.
  16. I know the obvious quip would be "I'd like to put him in intensive care" but it's such a valuable and limited resource I wouldn't want to waste it on Robbie.
  17. They reckon he's got sickle cell anaemia over on N-O. :angry:
  18. luckyluke

    Twats Amnesty

    The cunts corner entry for Robbie Williams has to be one of the best I've seen on there for the level of pure hatred aimed at the man. I really hate him, but I've got nothing on this guy: (Not for the faint of heart. Or Robbie fans)
  19. Wearing his rose tinted specs tbh. It's great to see he's settling in well - I've heard (evidently completely bollocks) stories of him commuting from Liverpool everyday. A happy striker is a prolific one!
  20. He's got one for today - all my players were kept up all night by loud bangs of fireworks. Plus It's only going to get worse tonight so there minds won't be on the game for worrying. It's a disgrace.
  21. Steve McFadden (the other Mitchell) has been knocked about by a women n'all. In all seriousness it is a difficult situation for a man to be in (particularly a well built man such as Kemp). What is he supposed to do? Fight back? Hitting a woman is completley unacceptable in this country. He could have tried to restrain her but may have been worried about hurting her. Renton, I wouldn't start a fight with him just because he has reservations about hitting his wife.
  22. I don't get it. 52617[/snapback] Didn't he hang himself? 52618[/snapback] Yes. Still don't get it though. 52620[/snapback] Maybe if he told it properly... Why was Shipman such a ladykiller? Because he was well hung.
  23. Did you know that dogs have been trained to smell bladder cancer?
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