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Everything posted by luckyluke

  1. He was trying to get it going for years but he never got round to it, Spielberg's definately the one who crashed that car. 45963[/snapback] Just remembered: I've seen Dr Strangelove, so actually I have seen a Kubrick film!
  2. Believe me, I wish I hadn't seen it! But didn't he start directing it before he died?
  3. I haven't seen Full Metal Jacket either. In fact, I haven't seen any Kubrick apart from AI.
  4. Not certain on dates but I think it was the 7th May when Germany surrendered. Everyone agreed that hostilities would end at midnight on the 8th. Wonder how many people got killed in between? 45559[/snapback] It'll be armistice day soon, which usually makes me wonder if some poor bugger died on November the 11th 1918 at 10.55am.
  5. On a slightly related note to this slightly related note, I was on a bus when a girl who had clearly never used public transport before university got on - the concept of a ticket that let you use the bus ALL DAY mystified her. Presumably the new mini bought by father was having it's MOT....
  6. Just to stir things up a bit I know several women who readily admit that their gender are GENERALLY worse at driving. And if I'm honest I agree with them - but then this is probably because I've been told that women are worse drivers, so when I see a woman mess up I automatically think 'typical woman driver', wheras I just think 'stupid twat' if I see a man make a similar error. I'm well aware that men can be terrible - my dad scares the shite out of me when we're on the motorway.
  7. When your already halfway down a road lined with cars on both sides so there is only room for one, and some idiot turns in and doesn't wait for you to get to the end.
  8. That cricket game is just a really shit version of stick cricket tbh.
  9. Should I be doing something more constructive with my time?
  10. Q. What is Gemmill's nickname for his penis? A. The Belgians.
  11. Q. What do scottish people have instead of blood? A. Between £1500 and £2000. Edit: Meant for Richie, damn that jorman.
  12. luckyluke


    Fuckers. You're all going on my list of people to 'accidentally' castrate when I peform surgery on them.
  13. Nice view from that horse isn't it Bridget.
  14. Does such a thing exist? I'm not really bothered if Beckham misses the next match as we've already qualified. I hope he doesn't miss the first game of the finals though. FIFA are apparently going to review all of the red cards that happend in qualifiying and decide if additional punishments (ie missing finals games) are required. In this case then Beckham shouldn't be worried as his card was contentious at the least.
  15. Simon Jones was great throughout the Ashes i thought and when he got injured at the Gabba (i think) when England last came to Australia i felt for him and England as i saw his potential then. Going to be a great bowler if he can stay injury free! 43500[/snapback] If being the operative word there!
  16. Oh and we're playing Pakistan next. No Simon Jones though.
  17. I wouldnt say we were thoroughly outplayed as it was a close series. Saying we got thoroughly outplayed sounds like we lost the series 4-1 or something when it was only 2-1 and about 3 of those tests were decided late on the last day.Having said that we may have lost a series but we have won just about everything in the 4 years before hand to keep our status as the number 1 test playing nation. Apart from Shane Warne and one spell from McGrath England were on top for practically the entire series. But yes, Australia are still number one, but as you say that's on their (admittidly awesome) past record.
  18. Happy Birthday mate. Don't celebrate by drinking Skol though...
  19. luckyluke


    I'm not going to even dignify that with a response.
  20. Pointless farce IMO, particularly as Australia were thoroughly outplayed in the Ashes. And I don't understand what's wrong with throwing the ball in from the outfield!
  21. No they aren't. A girl I went out with greeted me with a kiss after she'd been eating mushy peas - I nearly chundered and refused to talk to her until she had eaten something else.
  22. luckyluke


    True but at least he'll be able to tell us why they want fries.
  23. You know there's something wrong when even heterosexual men can't explain the offside rule properly. The new rules are a load of shit.
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