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Everything posted by luckyluke

  1. I'm a bit of a devotee on the sly. Keep it under one of your (pink) hats though! Actually I dont like all Austen. Mansfield Park for instance is utter shite, but Pride and Prejudice is just about the best characterisation you'll ever see in a novel. Talk about actually caring about the characters and wanting them to get it on.....! Course neebodby could rip a good yarn quite like Dickens. 42832[/snapback] Tended to give his plots away by giving good characters names like 'Mrs Lovely' and the bad ones names like 'Mr Bastard' though.
  2. luckyluke


    I was expecting something a lot more depraved tbh.
  3. So did I...he seems to have been around for ever. A comedy great, RIP.
  4. I saw Pride and Prejudice the other week, I really enjoyed it. My future bride is as wonderful as ever, but I thought Donald Sutherland stole the show.
  5. They were having a go at Jenas last season tbh.
  6. I thought it was funny to see the people who defended her claiming a right to "privacy" when they live vicariously through celebs and would die without the oxygen of invasions of said privacy. IMO the differnce between them is that Moss is "talented" in her field and has then messed it up. Doherty's only talent and claim to fame is his addictions in my view. 41477[/snapback] Having an addiction is a talent? Maybe I should start smoking crack in order to bolster my CV!
  7. He didn't say he never goes out, just hardly ever.
  8. I'm sure I remember seeing a replay which showed that it was Goldenballs' supporting foot (and not the one taken out by Duscher's admittidly awful tackle) that was broken.
  9. Great news. I'm not a big fan of Souness but it's clear his influence has helped Bramble to start to fulfill his potential.
  10. Fair point. Speaking of those double standards, it was hilarious to see Richard Madely seething that 'poor Kate' had lost all her contracts then decry Doherty as a dirty waster for doing the same. (for the record - I don't think Moss is any better or worse than Doherty, and while her bosses almost certainly share her habits they're not the public image of the company so I can understand why she got the boot. It may be unfair but that's life)
  11. If I were you I would stop worrying about the people wearing rose-tinted glasses and start worrying about the people wearing white coats 41122[/snapback] Brilliant.
  12. luckyluke


    If I can play it, ANYONE can play it, trust me. Mind, I was playing a girl like. 41150[/snapback] Robs right though - it's not a healthy sport. Not only do you run the risk of dropping down dead on the spot, you'll end up crippled with arthritis. Always preferred badmington myself anyway. 41153[/snapback] I kept running into the fucking walls last time I played. I'll stick to jiu jitsu, it's much safer!
  13. So it's okay for Kate Moss to take drugs but not Doherty? Nice to see while people are ripping into the media and fashion people for having double standards you're keeping up the trend.
  14. luckyluke


    I agree with the sentiments of this thread. I'm a student and I can't stand most of em.
  15. A year in the first team and no rape allegations/threesomes/visits from the fuzz. Acceptable or not? Worrying that he compares playing for Newcastle to being in a goldfish bowl. We all know what happened to our last fish!
  16. That seems much longer and serious than the usual jovial comments. They are spot on with the stuff about Chelsea though, it's just a shame that most people didn't realise how bad Abramovich would be for English football when he bought them.
  17. It's possibly the worst film of any genre ever. 39012[/snapback] Bastard! You have now piqued my curiousity so much I'm going to have to see it! 39034[/snapback] Noooooooo! If you must see it, then download a pirated copy or sneak in. I feel abused after last night. Would you want Guy Richie to profit from abusing me?
  18. How did Boumsong play? The News of the World (my housemate bought it) gave him 4/10, saying if he was worth £8m then your average pub player was worth £4m.
  19. I bet the corridors were in a bit of a state... That Downfall film about the last few days of Hitler's life is out on dvd now, looks quite interesting. (on the subject of veggies...my brother is one, and he's teetotal, and he's sixteen...I'm starting to get worried)
  20. It's possibly the worst film of any genre ever.
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