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Scottish Mag

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Everything posted by Scottish Mag

  1. I thought there was going to be a sharks forum...
  2. Happy Birthday Professor Wolfgang.... All the best mate, i`m sure you have a nice lil bottle of red sitting in the cellar ready to be opened..
  3. Looks like there could be a welcome to the premiership for Marc Walton..
  4. MICHAEL Chopra was an early injury blow for Newcastle United Reserves as they opened their 2005/06 league campaign with a visit of Leeds United to Kingston Park. The England U21 international - who has been hoping to be involved in the senior squad for Sunday's Premiership curtain-raiser at Arsenal - was forced to limp from the field in only the 15th minute after being hurt in a challenge with visiting centre-back Simon Walton. Chopra needed to be helped from the pitch and looked a dejected figure as he trudged down the tunnel before being replaced by Marc Walton in attack.
  5. And i posted it 4 hours ago...
  6. http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=552
  7. There won`t be a press conference, it`ll simply be the announcement of Century having the rights to cover our games this season. Hardly big news considering its be on the net all day.
  8. Rather Prso, Novo or ... Dickov. 10012[/snapback] The more i see of Prso the more he actually impresses me i used to think he was just a carthorse but he is actually very comfortable on the ball and has a nice touch.
  9. Looks like it could be Viduka, Baros or Kanoute then...
  10. You think Boa Morte someone who is a Portugese international and last season one of the best wingers in the Premiership is only worth a couple of million yet JJ who has hardly kicked a ball in 2 years is worth 12 million?
  11. 100-102 Century FM, has announced it has become the official commercial radio partner of Newcastle United Football Club, securing an exclusive commentary deal to broadcast home and away games during the 2005/2006 season. Century FM and United fans will be entertained with commentary by the last Newcastle United Captain to lift silverware for the club - North East football Legend Bob Moncur. "I am privileged to have had the opportunity to play for Newcastle United and it's an honour to be the last Captain to pick up silverware for the club, so you can imagine my delight when Century FM asked me to commentate on the Toon. I may not be able to pull on my boots and run out for the club but I certainly will be cheering the lads on and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Captain Alan Sheerer collect a trophy" says Bob Moncur.
  12. Previously linked to Newcastle, Daniel De Ridder, has been made available for transfer by Ajax.
  13. Bolton are in talks with Fiorentina playmaker Hidetoshi Nakata, the Italian club have confirmed. The Japan international has long been attracted by a move to The Premiership and Sam Allardyce wants his probing skills to boost his squad. A statement from Fiorentina confirmed the midfielder is in London to discuss the terms of his contract with Bolton. Charlton were also rumoured to be interested in the Asian superstar, who made a big impact on the European scene when arriving in Italy. Allardyce is determined to bolster his squad ahead of their Uefa Cup campaign and has never been afraid to make exotic purchases in the past. Developments are expected before the new Premiership season gets underway on Saturday, with Bolton's opener coming at Aston Villa.
  14. Alan Shearer will be fit to lead Newcastle United out against Arsenal in Sunday's Premiership opener at Highbury. That's the good news with United's kick-off now just four days away. Shearer has missed the club's last two friendlies against Yeading at St James' Park and last night at Bray Wanderers because of a calf strain and all the talk is that the talisman skipper would not be on the plane when it heads down to London on Saturday afternoon. However assistant manager Alan Murray said today: "As far as Alan Shearer is concerned we took advice from our medical team and they said leave him behind when we went out to Dublin so we did. "But we are really confident that he will be okay for Sunday's game with Arsenal at Highbury." Apart from long term injury victim Titus Bramble, who is out for another month with his broken elbow, and Shearer, keeper Shay Given and new boys Emre and Scott Parker did not travel to Dublin last night. However Murray stressed: "The four players we left behind were all for precautionary measures and we expect them all to be available for Sunday." United's game with Bolton Wanderers scheduled for the Reebok Stadium on Tuesday, August 23, has been put back 24 hours to the Wednesday. This is at the request of Bolton who have a game on the previous Sunday.
  15. I think the photoshop job was only done on the back of the "love triangle" , i think most others are safe to be honest..
  16. If Souness is going to continue to play 4-5-1/4-3-3 formation, based on footballing ability, i feel Anelka is probably the most suited player to playing the lone striker role than any other player that has been linked with us so far.
  17. If you were a superhero what would your name be and why?
  18. This has been not quite as successful as the first time round..
  19. Thats exactly what i was thinking...
  20. Or we can continue to play Taylor at left back whilst Moore, another proper player, plays in the centre.
  21. According to Sky Sports as the deal has hit a "snag". And so the squad continues to get smaller.
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