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Ugly Mackems

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Everything posted by Ugly Mackems

  1. If anyone is interested then let me know by PM ASAP. If there's enough early interest I'll look to sorting a hotel as well. Its a 5-30ko so return by train will not be possible on same day.
  2. What list s that then? Although its looking more and more likely we'll be going with what we finished with last season.
  3. I'd guess that Louise Taylor knows exactly fuck all about what is going on. She (or 'it') is merely mischief making and sadly from just the few posts in this thread it is having thedesired effect. Did everyone think selling a Club like NUFC could and would be done and dusted in a week or two? Should the new owners use Ashleys business acumen when it comes to purchasing NUFC?
  4. A link has surfaced on On The Buses regarding the Holland game.
  5. If nowts sorted over the weekend I get a feeling Mr Shearer will end his ambition to manage the Club and make it known publicly.
  6. Had mine about 14 years. Been with Orange all the way and would honestly say they have overcharged me for about 10 of those years til I fucked them off on the contracts and went 'sim-only' My bills dropped from £40+ pm to no more than £12 pm. Can honestly say I use my phone exactly the same as when I was in a contract. Sim-only is the way to go. £10pm = 100 x-net mins and 300 texts. I know other networks do even better than that for £10 but it suits me fine. My first phone was like a fucking house brick and I genuinely used to get embarrassed if it rang because I used to think what I thought before I went mobile - 'what a cunt' Did literaly have the pick of my number so chose summit easy to remember.
  7. BBC have got us on v WBA and Ipswich away. 5-30pmKO
  8. I wrote to Peter Beardsley years ago when he departed to Liverpool giving him a right roasting. Funnily I did it when I was mortal drunk and the letter was full of shite of the highest order calling him a turn coat etc. Got a letter back about 2 weeks later hand written by the maestro himself apologising for leaving but saying he had no choice if he wanted to fulfil his ambitions etc. As I sat reading it I couldn't even remember sending him the original letter - still got it somewhere. I once applied for the SAFC managers job - they acknowledeged my letter and sent me two free tickets for a match. Bastards should have worked out it was a piss take.
  9. There's a pic of the sculpture in tonights Chronic. Thank fuck it wasn't commisioned (sp) it looks fucking awful.
  10. Sounds a good idea to me. I'm in where do I send the postal order? Only need another 199,000 and we're flying.
  11. Or, if truth intervened he likely plans to be gone by this time next week and will have no use for any motor this side of the M25
  12. I wouldn't wipe my arse on any of the tabloids because there isn't enough room for more shit than they already have.
  13. He's saying that if he's moved on he's due every penny of his 'loyalty' bonus. Not one of the cunts wants to be here.
  14. He's a grade A cunt is Jimmy 'cuntface' Grieves. I'll be delighted when he can only be contacted through a medium.
  15. It can only be about getting wages out. I doubt they'd raise more than £10/15m between them in reality.
  16. Point I make is that he turned down £20m for a player who's real value is not near half of that.
  17. So, since short became involved with the unwashed he's; Seen off TWO managers. Introduced £1per game season tickets. Turned down £20m for an 8 goal a season striker. I get a feeling he'll fit in well. Investment gone down from £200m to 'maybe up to £50m'
  18. His 'England' injury was fucking criminal. He - and NUFC - knew he wasn't fit to playing football after 38 minutes of first team football in 4 months after he broke his foot at Spurs.
  19. If there's a God....
  20. ANyone recorded it and could send me a copy?
  21. He obviously bought on an impulse. His second biggest mistake was surrounding himself with advisors who didn't have a fucking clue about running a football Club - Wise, Veteer etc.) But his biggest mistake was letting it all go totally tits up when it could be seen a fucking mile off that the system he had in place just wasn't working. Keegan walking should have been like an electric shock for him but, by his own admission, was totally caught out by the furore that followed. Things could and should have been put right at that point. For a bloke who had made himself a double billionaire at one point (pre recession) he was shit slow off the mark for this particular failing business. He could have had the world at his feet if he had got this right.
  22. I'd carry the gutless and spineless bastards suitcase to the airport of his choice.
  23. It was the Halls who ran the show with Shepherd as their front. SBR was peddled at the behest of the Halls, I think SBR confirms such in his autobiography. I hope John Hall and his son die of a painful hereditary disease. They sold to Ashley quite simply because they were fucking skint after numerous business fuck ups..
  24. Beckford from Leeds. Will very likely leave Leeds after last nights result. Deffo worth a punt in my opinion.
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