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Ugly Mackems

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Everything posted by Ugly Mackems

  1. I 've got about 4 or 5 seats left for the day-trip. Stopping somewhere on route for refreshments. Drop me a PM if you fancy it.
  2. Got a Boro ticket spare. £25 GALLOWGATE END.
  3. Should have had a try before you buy arrangement We have 'try before we buy' and I would send the useless cunt straight back because he's nowhere near worth £5m
  4. From the horses mouth.... Shearer asked him back before his appointment had been made public. Carver declined as there was only 8 games remaining. He did though fully agree to come back for next season, which with his resignation could see him back within the next week.
  5. This is what amazes me about football. Keane spent upwards of £60m at the unwashed. You could count on one hand the number of reasonably decent (not outstanding) players he bought. Morale amongst his squad was at rock bottom. In reality the cunt should never get another job in football.
  6. I've got over 100 points but my online account has always registered as zero. Anyway, I've already paid for next season. I'll be gutted we'l be playing in the shit league but nowt like a good promotion push to get the atmosphere back. Only thing that would seriously make me think about not renewing is if that useless cunt Kinnear was put back in charge.
  7. SPURS Can supply 1 or 3 all face value (£45 train/£47 match). Anyone wants 3 they are all sat together throughout. 07-58dept/18-00rtn Cheers. (anyone would like to register an interest in either match or train ticket let me know and if I can't sell together I'll split)
  8. Cheeky cunt having the audacity to interfere in the scousers grieving.
  9. I'm planning a 1 night stayover for Villa. £50 Staying over on the Saturday night. I'll have more positive news in next 24/48hrs. Failing that I'll likely run a bus on the day. Maybe with it being a bank hol weekend stop off for a few hours on route back to Tyneside. Feel free to PM.
  10. So, what does this mean? Out for the rest of the season? A few games? WHAT?? Also, what are his chances of staying if we do stay up? Everyone used to go on about how Wenger was interested in him, but surely not after his injury-riddled season. I can't see many clubs that would be after him, unless someone thinks they can harness a conistency in him that we've only seen in glances this year. It means Shearer will bite his lip for the good of the cause - but if we stay up Martins will be gone as sure as night follows day.
  11. Going to Crown Court I believe. Banned until after sentence I think I heard mentioned. Probably banned a lot longer as well if found guilty - just as The Toon begins its quest for World domination. Unfortunate!
  12. A dissenting voice as far back as the Seymour / McKeag years. Was an active participant in the 'Supporters For Change' campaign that ultimately brought Hall to power.
  13. What's the fucking point in publishing that? It's not telling us anything we don't already know. Probably because every red top will have their own take on events. It'll drive the simpletons insane.
  14. Butt has been to Bolton Royal Infirmary for the last 6 hours. He has undergone a full body scan which revealed jaundice of the spine - or as its commonly known Manuniteditis.
  15. Everton £25 Man U £25 OR £50 the pair. Upper Gallowgate.
  16. Isn't the plan to bring in shitloads of young 'uns and cherry pick the better ones from the academy to progress. There'll very likely be a load more fall on their sword by the time 3 or 4 start to look likely to make the grade.
  17. At least we'll have a decent keeper between the sticks.
  18. We might be putting a coach on from North Shields if you'de rather let the coach take the strain. Good bunch normally on so very safe to bring along the partners if you want to.
  19. Given Owen Martins Duke Smith Zog Harper Collocini Bassong Enrique Barton Jonas Duff Xisco Beye The only players worth keeping to be honest. The rest want out or are a drain on resources. Sadly, some of those I'd keep will go as well.
  20. I can't see us winning another game this season being honest. We seriously are a piss poor outfit.
  21. Looks more like Barton giving Enrique the verbal assault 99% of supporters would like to give him. The sort of thing our captain should be dishing out 10 times a game at the moment.
  22. Second rate footballer. First rate manager Excelled in being a total arsehole.
  23. I would support the team because if we can't find another 20 points we'll very likely be relegated. Have a look at the fixture list and see if you can 'find' where those 20 points might come from. Hysteria should at least wait until the transfer window closes surely?
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