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What mood are you in and why?


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Pretty melancholy about the whole RW affair. I despair at all the 'experts' who come out on twitter and facebook and have to bite my tongue to avoid arguments.


To put the myth to bed, suicide is the complete opposite of a 'cowardly act' or the 'easy way out'


Yeah, I'm totally with you on this one. More than 2yrs down the line and we're still waiting for the inquest on my cousin's suicide due to the many complications of the whole horrific situation.

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Pretty melancholy about the whole RW affair. I despair at all the 'experts' who come out on twitter and facebook and have to bite my tongue to avoid arguments.


To put the myth to bed, suicide is the complete opposite of a 'cowardly act' or the 'easy way out'

Thing is, sometimes it is (Robert. Maxwell), not though when it's linked to mental illness.

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Apprehensive, uncertain, slightly scared.


Political situation getting a bit out of hand in the country. Opposition party up in arms about alleged rigging the elections last year. People in power have a history of corruption and have recently taken to violence to handle the protesters. 15 people killed in a demonstration not too long ago with not even a police case being registered against those responsible. Obviously that worsened the situation.


So now there's this sit in planned in the capital on Thursday. Hundreds of thousands expected to attend and the opposition parties have already stated there will be no negotiations till the PM resigns. Government has already blocked most roads. Containers all over the place and the city is expected to be completely sealed any time. Protesters claim they will remain peaceful but will remove obstacles if stopped, with whats already happened, chances of violence are way too much for anyone's liking. Plus if this thing stretches fuel shortages etc will occur before too long.


Meanwhile the all powerful army's sending messages to God knows who by constantly flying fighter jets and helicopters at low altitudes. (including at 1am last night scaring the shite out of half the city). Cant a man ask for a couple of months of freakin stability in this place? :angry2:

Been there, done that. It'll get better over time.

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Rapidly improving since I've just got home after 12 days in hospital with gall stones and nasty dose of pancreatitis. 3 shots of morphine and I was still in agony.


On the plus side I've lost over a stone in weight, so I can knock any diet plans on the head for now.

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Aye, I'm not too bad atm. Got to go back and get my gall bladder removed sometime in the future, which I'm not looking forward too, but some of the poor bastards in my ward had it a hell of a lot worse.


Grim places hospitals :glare:

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Aye, I'm not too bad atm. Got to go back and get my gall bladder removed sometime in the future, which I'm not looking forward too, but some of the poor bastards in my ward had it a hell of a lot worse.


Grim places hospitals :glare:



I had mine out five years ago. They thought I was having a heart attack when I was taken in, a stunningly goregeous female junior doctor had to don the rubber gloves and give me a rectal exammination and I missed the morphine shots :D

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I had mine out five years ago. They thought I was having a heart attack when I was taken in, a stunningly goregeous female junior doctor had to don the rubber gloves and give me a rectal exammination and I missed the morphine shots :D

Happened to our lass in Hyde park during the Olympics. I was convinced it was a heart attack. Having hers out shortly.

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Aye, I'm not too bad atm. Got to go back and get my gall bladder removed sometime in the future, which I'm not looking forward too, but some of the poor bastards in my ward had it a hell of a lot worse.


Grim places hospitals :glare:



You'll be fine. Keyhole surgery done in an hour or so and the knowledge that you won't get the gallstone pain again :)

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You'll be fine. Keyhole surgery done in an hour or so and the knowledge that you won't get the gallstone pain again :)


Good to know, was thinking about looking it up on wikipedia but wasn't sure I wanted to know the gory details :sick:

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Good to know, was thinking about looking it up on wikipedia but wasn't sure I wanted to know the gory details :sick:


It's a really common operation - we're doing several of them today at work. I'm just off to bed but if there's anything you want to know feel free to drop me a message.

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It's a really common operation - we're doing several of them today at work. I'm just off to bed but if there's anything you want to know feel free to drop me a message.


I think I'm good, but the offer is appreciated ;)

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Best of luck with that!




Revolution day here at last. Tens of thousands out in force making their way towards the capital already.


Time for the people to take charge!!! :) etc etc etc ...............


Edited by aimaad22
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Very very proud daughters results day

A Level Citizenship A☆

A Level History E

AS Level Hospitality Distinction☆

BTEC Public Services Distinction ☆

BTEC Health & Social Care Double Distinction ☆

Next stop Northumbria Uni to study Primary Education Early Years to become a teacher.

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It's a really common operation - we're doing several of them today at work. I'm just off to bed but if there's anything you want to know feel free to drop me a message.

Depends how it's set up where you are but it can be done so you get to go home on the same day.

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