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The Mentalists of Toontastic

Christmas Tree

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I'm not going into detail about my personal life on the net. It would be far too easy to work out who I was.


ok...just wondering how a ex public shcoolboy comes to be supporting a football team?....not judging a book by its cover (which is lucky for you, facist features ;) ) but that does make you rather "exotic" among us state educated communists....or maybe you're just a regular, common or garden fantasist?...

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Too much moaning, let's look on the bright side. Pick the posters you appreciate the efforts of and let us know why.


Christmas Tree

Over the past year or two CT has consistently been the biggest content provider on the board without a doubt, which is what the place needs. Whether you agree or disagree with him, whether he has the knowledge to back it up or not, whether you think he's funny or not, he is always game to jump into a thread and have his say. If he is wrong he'll take it on the chin and laugh at himself as much a anyone else is laughing at him, he'll never get huffy and hold a grudge at anyone having a dig at him. Whether you're discussing gourmet cooking and he does beans on toast, chatting the cream of television and he advocates Casualty, or discussing any NUFC matter and he says Shane is the solution. No heirs whatsoever, just having a laugh and looking to pick up some knowledge, it's what I always strived to do on here, but have struggled with as I become more jaded. An example to us all. Keep it up fella.


***Please note, this was strictly a posting choice. Ant has clearly put more actual work into this place in the background than anyone by a country mile and deserves all the praise for the gorgeous site/features we enjoy these days :)

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Without looking backwards at anyone that has left, when you look just at todays top 20 posters, you have to acknowledge that the vast majority are thoroughly good lads....



Christmas Tree






Happy Face

The Fish










Monroe Transfer



Maybe 10% are fake or WUMs...that's a bloody good percentage compared to the rest of the WWW.

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Well this is all very embarrassing :lol:


But thank you for the kind words.


And let's not forget the little people, the grey folk who give it their best only to fall ever so slightly short. Your three post threads may be as boring as a wet weekend in Wigan, but let me tell you this. Keep plucking away and one day, maybe sooner than you think, you too could be standing where I am now.

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People spend too much time whinging about why its shite rather than doing something about it. I don't post anywhere near as much as I used to, I think you have a forum shelf life, I think Alex realised it maybe mancmag too, I can't see myself at 60 posting on here like toonpack and pacinofan. Forums are good places for exchanging views, and occasionally provide you with a brilliant laugh. The best bits of forums are when you can pick something from someones post that you learn from, but they are few and far between these days. Still pisses all over Huggies Pull Ups Online though. Whether anyone admits it or not, the funniest threads are nearly always derived from rows.

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I think real life takes over for a lot of people. Im currently lying in bed on my day off watching telly and looking at the internet. Fast forward 2 years and ill hopefully have kids, there will be no chance I will get to spend a 3rd of the time on the net that I do now.

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