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Scottish Mag

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Mine was yesterday. It's always the worst day of the year for me from a back from holiday pov. Just shite stretching ahead of you, with nothing to look forward to for a bit. Cack. 

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I was supposed to be back today then realised my flight over to the match was earlier than I thought so the return to work isn’t until Monday and the Christmas avatar is staying.

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I was "in" yesterday - took till ten for the year's first "This data is wrong" and my reply with "No it isn't, this is why, and attached is the evidence so fuck off* exchange ( note" fuck off" was sadly sanitised) . 

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11 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

Boo hoo, I've got to go to work after 2 weeks off :lol:


Fuck you all. Some of us have been at work all over Christmas! 

girl middle finger GIF

You tell 'em KD! Some of these cunts don't know they're born. Lounging around while we've been at work*.







*If by "at work" you mean logged on in the home office, doing fuck all.

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1 hour ago, Toonpack said:


There is market failure for a lot of new treatments nowadays for various reasons and as such we do need to think out if the box how development companies are reimbursed otherwise there will be no new drugs for those patient groups. We've already seen this with antibiotics and as a result we are pretty close to an "end of medicine" catastrophic situation. No antibiotics, no surgery. 


Reminds me of a time I gave a lecture arguing that for many conditions the most cost effective treatment was a gun. It was meant as a joke but there is actually some truth in it, it's just the way we assess cost effectiveness. Kill patients you remove all life benefits but also all there healthcare costs. Anyway, the lecture wasn't well received. 

Edited by Renton
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Both can be true. Ozempic has done more to cure obesity in 12 months than any other drug in 120 years. The company who owns it made about £12,000,000,000 profit from that one drug last year. 

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That's what I mean, there is no one size fits all in Pharma. Companies need to also be incentivised to treat or cure rare conditions but need to be reimbursed.


Ozempic is an interesting one mind. I've lost as much weight by changing my diet as an average Ozempic user over the same time period in the last 6 months. Not everyone can do that though. Problem is, if you reserve this treatment for the most obese only, it creates a perverse moral hazard where people will deliberately become morbidly obese to qualify for the drug on the NHS. Health economics is full of such quandaries. 

Edited by Renton
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27 minutes ago, Renton said:

That's what I mean, there is no one size fits all in Pharma. Companies need to also be incentivised to treat or cure rare conditions but need to be reimbursed.


Ozempic is an interesting one mind. I've lost as much weight by changing my diet as an average Ozempic user over the same time period in the last 6 months. Not everyone can do that though. Problem is, if you reserve this treatment for the most obese only, it creates a perverse moral hazard where people will deliberately become morbidly obese to qualify for the drug on the NHS. Health economics is full of such quandaries. 

It's rife on the private market. I know a shit load of nurses/doctors who do Botox on the side and are now chucking out Ozempic scripts outwith NICE guidance on minimum BMIs.


Ive dropped about 16lbs in 4 months through diet and exercise and i'm 42, so it can be done if people could be arsed. 

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47 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

It's rife on the private market. I know a shit load of nurses/doctors who do Botox on the side and are now chucking out Ozempic scripts outwith NICE guidance on minimum BMIs.


Ive dropped about 16lbs in 4 months through diet and exercise and i'm 42, so it can be done if people could be arsed. 


Aye, so it becomes a lifestyle drug for those who can afford it. Far from ideal. 

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9 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

@Renton have you read Pharmanomics?


No. Sounds either that would be a bus man's holiday to me or an annoying polemic by a guardianista journo with no qualifications or real knowledge of the subject. It's very complicated. It costs minimum of a billion pounds to develop a drug with no guarantee of return. Some of them are used only in a handful of patients. 

Pharma exists within the capitalist paradigm, no shit Pharma companies want to make money. I'm always puzzled while they're singled out. I mean, the forward to that book, he uses covid vaccination as an example of their negative impact on the world. I mean, what?  The vaccines literally saved millions of lives and allowed us to get out of lock down. So companies made money out of it? How awful, they shouldn't have bothered. 

Not that I don't see bad practice in my industry, I do. But it's still probably the most heavily regulated industry on the planet, along with air travel, nuclear etc. RFK jnr may change this, we'll see, but it won't be for the better. 

I did read Ben Goldacre's book, Bad Pharma, a couple of decades ago. He's a good writer and a qualified doctor. I still found parts of this hyperbolic though. That's the problem with writing a polemic, you cherry pick data to prove your narrative, which in this case is highly ironic. 


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It's quite interesting for someone who hasn't a clue about it.  It's also fucking scary. 


How pharma companies can use a tax loophole by sending pharma stuff to poorer countries. So pre covid a big US company sent fake tits to Zambia so they could avoid tax as that wad classed as giving to a poor country. 


There was one hedge fund manager not making enough brass so he started a pharma company. Bought the patent to a drug and then tried charging the NHS a mark up of 600% on the drug. 


It's fucking bonkers what can be allowed. Thankfully the UK is in a better place compared to the US and some other European countries. 

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11 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:


Think he means exporting implants rather than ones Gazza would have in his suitcase 👍🏻


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1 hour ago, wykikitoon said:

It's quite interesting for someone who hasn't a clue about it.  It's also fucking scary. 


How pharma companies can use a tax loophole by sending pharma stuff to poorer countries. So pre covid a big US company sent fake tits to Zambia so they could avoid tax as that wad classed as giving to a poor country. 


There was one hedge fund manager not making enough brass so he started a pharma company. Bought the patent to a drug and then tried charging the NHS a mark up of 600% on the drug. 


It's fucking bonkers what can be allowed. Thankfully the UK is in a better place compared to the US and some other European countries. 


I'm in consultancy. Can't say too much but we had a client approach us who basically were trying to sell a generic antiseptic you can buy in Tesco to the NHS for thousands of pounds a dose. I just laughed. No way are you getting away with that shit here. The States though is more the wild West - not for regulation but for payment and compensation. 


When I joined here, 3 years ago, my boss pretty quickly sold us as a going concern to an American company, which as I've mentioned I pretty much hate working for. Got millions for it. Mansion in London, villa in France. He must have had a clause that he couldn't start another company for 2 years. Now that's passed, he's started a phoenix company and nicked half our staff. Cheeky bastard. 

Pretty sure this shit happens in every industry though. 

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