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  1. Past hour
  2. Does anyone know the etymology of this? I think the cheesy chips comes from cheysey chips doesn't it? Not sure about the blue pop, maybe blew pop. But gravy stains? Not sure it's an accent thing an who doesn't like the odd bit of gravy?
  3. I do love a bit of Gullis heckling.
  4. I want to know what they've got against gravy?
  5. Doesn't have to be. As Fish said, you can get it cheaper if you avoid school holidays (English schools), so I would think you could get it cheaper in Scottish holidays. The cheapest weekend is the one after New Year which is quite a good way to avoid the trauma of early January (as there are plenty of indoor activities). Foreign holidays are another thing that have shot up in price anyway. We're simply getting poorer as a country relative to everybody else. In 5 years, we will on average be poorer than the Polish. The poor in this country are much poorer than in Poland already.
  6. They’ve never fucking shut up about Mags wearing football tops since the two bit County Durham outfit supplying their kits couldn’t meet the demand.
  7. Today
  8. Absolutely nobody cares. No sireee. Nobody is obsessed about Mags wearing replica tops, absolutely nobody.
  9. “How can aah bey raya-cyst, marra? Aah’ve got a black marra as mey displayah picksha. Ah tak it meysel”
  10. Yeah that makes no sense at all. To bring one injury prone player in for another, or to even bring him in and relegate Wilson to third choice makes little sense either given they'd both be on massive wages and could easily both get crocked at the same time.
  11. More talk of DCL. Fucking hope not.
  12. Douglas in the i has said that there could be another big name July suprise much like the Tonali signing, hopefully without his particular added suprise. So if Kelly and Trafford aren't exactly floating your boat then we might get some big name excitement yet. I'd imagine it will be a player for that right wing slot. So maybe a Chiesa or someone of that ilk. We have heard Bowen's name mentioned but that would be serious money, so I can't see it happening. I'd take Mbuemo for the right given he'd be a bit more realistic and cheaper than Bowen. They both of course have the added bonus of being able to play as a centre forward.
  13. Bridget on C4 right now. 3000 new or expanded nurseries, using the private school tax and the cons pledges already made (and reneged on).
  14. Ed Conway did the sums on the £13k of Tory tax rises, so you can take that shit to the bank. It was on one of his video explainers on Sky News.
  15. Might add, I'm fairly sure their pledges like 2.5% GDP for defence aren't costed at all. This may not be the best line of attack for the cunts who have given us the highest taxes since WW2 whilst also somehow managing to destroy services.
  16. Just caught the end of a party political broadcast by the Conservative party there. Basically the whole thing seems to have been quadrupling down on their tax lie. This is almost mackem levels of obsession at this point. It did make it a bit more clear it was 2k over 4 years though. 500 quid a year (obviously less in lower tax households), or 10 quid a week, per household. Maybe a cup of coffee each. I mean, is this the best they have, really? I'm really happy for them [Labour] to meet their pledges for this amount. I read somewhere that tax has risen 13k over the period these cunts have been in since 2019!
  17. Centre parcs is phenomenally expensive normally, we’ve been 3 times and worked out it would have been no more expensive going abroad.
  18. Same polling show Sunak's approval rating has worsened by TEN POINTS.
  19. https://x.com/eurofootcom/status/1800116950665978185
  20. Nothing racist about this whatsoever. PC woke gone mad.
  21. @RobinRobin had curled one out into the server. Took a week for it to be properly cleaned out, sanitised and rebooted.
  22. We should get the expert cunts on RTG to confirm if it is an Ostrich or an emu, or a kittiwake.
  23. Chris is a lercal lad after all
  24. Aye Wife and I went shopping into Leeds on Saturday. So got in early and had breakfast. That come to £37 alone!
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