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Everything posted by Renton

  1. I'm still glued to the office ceiling! I wonder how much of it was down to FF and Souey and how much was the hard work Shearer put it... Regardless of anything, Souness will always be the manager who brought Michael Owen to Newcastle United! Of the three super-signings I've seen in my time, this one is the cream of the crop. Keegan was coming to the end of his career and Shearer was effectively 'coming home'. Here we've signed the current best English centre-forward in his prime from under the noses of his dream team... I couldn't be happier! 23212[/snapback] To be honest, I get the feeling Shearer might be the main factor here. You never know, Shearer might make a great manager after all. He has a head start in attracting big names, being a living legend himself. Yet he doesn't half get some stick on these boards.
  2. Part timer. 23094[/snapback] You're going to love this one, for the Fulham match, I'm supposed to be in Skegness 23102[/snapback] Jesus Wept. 23104[/snapback] Supposed to be going to a festival called 'Sonic Rock' with me mate and his lass. How pissed was I when I agreed to that? 23106[/snapback] Sonic Rock in Skegness? Jesus wept.
  3. Munch, munch. £500 all inclusive, not bad value I think.
  4. Part timer. 23094[/snapback] Newcastle in the winter versus the Carribean or the South of France. A difficult one for a non-soopa fan like myself!
  5. This forum has been far too cheery today, so I thought I'd add a depressing fact or two. I haven't seen us win in the league since January the 15th, against Southampton! This is because I missed our wins against Bolton and Liverpool as I was in St Lucia at the time. January the 15th ffs, and this includes 3 away matches. Anyway, I am obviously the jinx, but you'll be glad to know that I am on holiday for the Fulham match, so we'll win it. If we do, will people pay me to stay away from now on?
  6. Owen, Parker, and Emre look like good additions, Moore and Clarke probably not, and the jury's still out on Luque. Still not happy with most the outgoings, especially for the paltry fees we made. And Souness has now spent an absolute fortune - something Robson was denied when we reached our peak. If it all goes wrong now we are well and truly in the shit, so I hope Souness knows what he is doing. Of course, replacing the manager was the most important signing, and we have failed to do that.
  7. Luque's not really a centre forward though, is he? I hope Owen combines well with Shearer, because that will be the combination we will use (or Ameobi plus Owen). If we persist with 4-5-1 we're shagged anyway tbh. God, I really hope Owen fits in alright.
  8. Here's another negative. The last time I saw Owen play in the flesh was against Espanol when he was at Real Madrid. To say he was shit (came on as a sub) is somewhat of an understatement. Real were appalling that night at the Olympic stadium, they lost 1-0 but in all seriousness could easily have lost 10-0 (Espanol even missed 3 penalties). Carlos made Babyaro look like a world beater. Now, of course this wasn't Owen's fault, but my point is, is it possible he may not be great in a shit team? This is a nagging concern I have which will hopefully be dispelled against Fulham. And I can just see him breaking a leg too. Wullie is right about all our eggs in one fragile basket. But overall, I think this may be a fantastic signing, and no way am I going to criticise the board for it.
  9. Really? How surprising. 22931[/snapback] Well, I'm pleased but we do need further strengthening. Owen isnt enough. And someone said that the bloated price is probably down to Newcastle cutting a deal on the Woodgate money. 22946[/snapback] Of course we need further stengthening. However while you try to find negatives, just think if he didn't sign, no striker signed, and then come back to me and say you are not happy that Owen is coming to Newcastle. 22954[/snapback] To be honest even I am struggling to come up with a negative in us signing arguably the best English striker. It's completely allayed my relegation fears, for one thing. I still think we have yet to make the most important transfer though - Souness out! We could sign Ronaldino, Schevenko and Henry and still not win anything with this prat in charge. There, I've managed to make this a negative post after all.
  10. Really? How surprising. 22931[/snapback] He's after my most pessmistic poster award.
  11. Disagree, we have paid well over the odds for Owen, not that I'm complaining, but I still think Shepherd is an idiot. It's all about money, and Owen made it clear he would have preferred to go to Liverpool, but they wouldn't pay up. Same is true for many of the other players on that list.
  12. Don't be stupid...right wing surely? 22552[/snapback] Sweeper.
  13. Great news, I'm genuinely, well, astounded! There can be no excuses for Souness now, none whatsoever. With the money he has spent he has to get a top 4 place, but that's not going to happen even with Owen, I don't think. Shepherd, do the right thing and get someone who can do the job! You know it makes sense!
  14. He was just being nice and keeping us in suspense. Nothing was more certain than Van Horsehead scoring on Sunday - well, apart from Rooney scoring.
  15. How long before the transfer window closes now? 38 hours, or something like that? This smilie best represents our club at the moment:
  16. FFS, you couldn't make it up. Never a dull moment. Cheers, horse face.
  17. Self flagellation is the key to redemption, I believe. 22296[/snapback] So what should we do, give away free whips with season tickets? 22299[/snapback] 52,000 fans self-flagellating could get messy. I think we should all do it at home with our own whips.
  18. Drum roll.........l.. Oh. the suspense of waiting for him to sign for Liverpool is killing me.
  19. Self flagellation is the key to redemption, I believe.
  20. I agree with you. But the worst case scenario is he signs, and suffers a long-term injury. If that happens we're fucked, basically. And I mean fucked with a capital F.
  21. I bet most the youngsters won't have a clue how that song goes though. Also it's got nothing to do with Bill Shankley - I wouldn't mind him as our manager - and he's been dead for several years!
  22. 22134[/snapback] 22186[/snapback] Brilliant post, summed up why I think I was justifyed to write the "Jesus wept" response. Thing is Calimag, we are still in the minority; Souness has an inexplicable support base in the North East. I referred to Robinson's article earlier in this thread - that so-called journalist said that supporters of Souness were not "perceptive". BOLLOCKS. All of this was predictable. The people who are unperceptive are the idiots that keep supporting this abomination of a football manager And then when he does go, they will change their tune and say they never supported him. But I know who you are!
  23. And who was manager in the 2 season after that - Thats right, Sir Bob. The man who couldnt control his players and vertually gave them free reign of the dressing room. 22177[/snapback] One season, where we came 5th. And it wasn't until the beginning of last season where we had that outburst from Dyer. Robson was basically too old and soft to handle that then. He was more of a father-figure than anything to the players, even if they were rough, thuggish, loudmouthed louts. And Dyer later apologised saying he felt guilty about the whole thing. So far we haven't had any direct apologies to Souness, and that whole telling Bellamy he won't play again saga is an example why. 22183[/snapback] I agree, inspiration. Somehow I am convinced Jenas is a truly great player waiting to happen, but its not going to happen under Souness, that's for sure.
  24. Can i ask why? 22140[/snapback] Are you that guy Robinson, that writes for the Sunday Sun? The reason is that your "article" is pathetically naive, and completely misses the point that Souness has been a disaster at every club he has been with, bar Rangers. Oh yeah, and your little pathetic dig at the fans, who personally I thought were way too generous on Sunday. Oh, and also your utterly stupid comparisons to Robson's team 3 years ago. If you can't tell the difference between now and then mate, I pity you. 22146[/snapback] there was no pathetic little dig at the fans. i just feel the "sack the board" chants are not going to help the team's morale. after all we as newcastle fans all want the best for the club. these revolts are not going to the make the situation anymore prettier than it already is oh and in case you missed it, we aren't Galatasary, Liverpool or Blackburn, we are Newcastle. What he did in the past doesnt always reflect what he does in the future 22150[/snapback] The bit in bold - probably the most idiotic thing I have heard anybody say, ever. I really hope you are not, and never become, a person that employs people for a job at any company. Also, I take it you did not go to the ManU match? There was no "sack the boarsd chants", just rounds of applause by people like you that accept mediocrity - or worse. There was a small demonstration after the West Ham game I believe (I wasn't there) - they are the real fans in my opinion - not people like you who write ridiculous "happy" articles. Your head is either in the sand or up your own arse, or both. People like you are going to get us relegated! 22164[/snapback] there has been talk of such chanting and it has also been discussed on the internet but i was wrong by what i said about the chanting should stop since it hasnt even begun. i dont accept mediocrity, i like all fans what newcastle to be the best and i think you have no right to say who is and isnt a real fan. of course i am a real fan or i wouldnt have bothered with signing up to this board or writing that article or making my own website. i would have just said of piss it, i dont care what happens to the team anyway. I just like to keep optismistic. it isnt idiotic, i'm not up my own arse and i in no way want the club to get relegated. no fan does. it isnt a ridiculas article it is my opinion. i dont call your opinion idiotic. i hope i do become a manager of a company so i can not hire people like you who cant except that other people have opinions too and they may not always be the same as yours but that is no reason to insult me and my abilities 22170[/snapback] Sorry, I missed this before I wrote my last response. The bit about it not mattering what you have done before you get a job is idiotic imo, otherwise why does anyone do exams? Anyway, sorry for being rude JohnyHall, we simply disagree, that is all. Keep writing and keep posting - I will keep criticising it as well.
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