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Everything posted by sniffer

  1. Indeed. And the truth is that if any of us were as shit in our respective professions as he is, we'd be booted out the door. He's where he is because he keeps his nose clean which suits TH. This isn't true, though. I've worked with plenty of people over the years who aren't any good at their jobs but they know how to manage up aand never create waves. They always manage to get credit for a job but never any flak when the shit hits the fan. Ryder seems to be exactly like this and appears to be exactly what his bosses at the paper want. They fact he has 20 odd pages on here show he's getting read.
  2. Good chance that Raylor will get sent off because he won't keep up with Lennon and he's a poor tackler. He'll get skinned and then catch him a few times. Two yellows or a straight red...........thats the question.
  3. Sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder there, Parky.
  4. sniffer


    Tell Chunky I said hello.
  5. What you want and what you get are two different things in every walk of life and football is no different. Nobody gives a rat's arse about what is good for the sport or what the average fan wants, especially not the owners. Manure will jump all over this if it ever even looked like getting off the ground.
  6. I'd be laughing as well if I'd milked Newcastle for as much as ameobi has. Fucking nigerian pastor deciding there was more work to do on Tyneside than in nigeria. Aye, right.
  7. Me and Malcolm Allison. We both thought Newcastle might win something. Nearly 40 years later, he's dead and I'm still waiting. That Forest game was a great game. You just can't compare the atmosphere that day with the sterile shite at SJP these days. Chalk and cheese.
  8. So far Cabaye looks very good, obertan looks like absolute shite. I wouldn't be jumping up and down just yet, but if Marveau pans out given the glimpses we've had, and we can live with the better teams in the league, then I'd be more inclined agree with you.
  9. Maybe he's decided to retire from international football to concentrate on his club career.
  10. I saw the Stones at the City Hall in 1973 and it was up there with the best concerts I've seen. Not many bands could top their live performances when they felt like it.
  11. Clueless about what, Parky? I've never worked out what he saw in her. FFS, she's one of the ugliest women on the planet with no talent as an artist.
  12. Aye. There'd only be him and ameobi left at the club. And I don't mean ameobi the younger.
  13. Were the Dutch/Spanish/German leagues that Cruyff and Beckenbauer played in as good as the Brazilian league that Pele played in? In my opinion, yes.
  14. Come on, I'm not saying he wasn't a bad player at all but his WC wins were in brilliant teams. My point is that Cruyff and especially Beckenbauer did it where it matters playing against the best week in, week out. Pele should've come to Spain at least and then I might have a different opinion.
  15. Pele did nothing in Europe where it really matters so its difficult to call him the best of all time. Put Best in the Brazilian team and reporters would've been creaming their pants and calling him the greatest player of all time.
  16. Because we couldn't afford him?
  17. I was never a manu fan and I'd like to agree with you but Best was head and shoulders above anybody playing at that time. Except Tony Green, of course, although he was a bit later.
  18. For those of you you who may be confused, that's not Leon.
  19. Cruyff and Beckenbauer. Hands down. By the way, if Best had been German or Brazilian he'd have been up there in the top three of all time.
  20. Has to be killing you that Taylor is playing so well.
  21. Hardly a mint job by pardew in keeping obertan on the field. He must have very little confidence in any other player because obertan was worse than shite, giving the ball away freely and offering nothing defensively. Fucking headless chicken as usual. If he's selected ahead of marveux or ben arfa in future then pardew is losing objectivity. Three good points. Thank Christ Colo was not hurt as that could've changed the game completely.
  22. Pipe down, cunto. Fuck off faggot.
  23. Actually a similar response could be posted aimed at manc-mag as well. Its just that other pea out of the pod got it in first.
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