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Everything posted by BlueStar

  1. so has he signed or just agreed to join us? until the contract is signed in blood i wont be texting my pool mates just yet! 22459[/snapback] Well no, but I think "Owen agrees terms with Newcastle and bid accepted by Real Madrid, subject to medical" is a bit too much for my fat fingered mates to text.
  2. Haha, I've just texted all my mates, and immediately got practically exactly the same message from them "OWENS SIGNED" criss crossing in text space
  3. Someone who doesn't have as much work as I'm supposed to be doing find those threads with the scouse "sources" againa nd ressurect the bastards!
  4. HAHAHA, Liverpool fans texting sky sports saying "He needs his head read", "He'll get nowehere", "If liverpool want him he'll come straight away" and "No trophies, not europe, mid table finish max" "He's made totally the wrong choice". HAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. We're fucking doomed, this is the end of NUFC. I blame the fans.
  6. The announcement will probably be that you can keep up to date with the latest Owen saga developments on Century FM.
  7. "These people are in charge of the country. you don't slag off the bosses" Didn't Jim Davidson say in 1997 that he'd leave the country if the Tories lost the election?
  8. "Yes. I am please to announce I will be joining Newcastle. It is the only club for me. I really want to work with Souness" Michael, what happened to your head? (Furtive whispering) "I believe it was a boaking accident." (clunk-click) "I now have to leave."
  9. Best thing to come out of this so far is Fat Fred doing what seems like one of the moves from "Blame it on the boogie" while walking along with owen.
  10. Trying to tell the American in the street that global warming is happening is like trying to convince an evangelical christian that Jesus was just some guy. To them, there's no proof of it whatsoever. It's just a liberal communist conspiracy to try and disrupt American business. We're in the middle of a gap between ice ages, and temperatures fluctuate all the time. You know why they name them after women - cos when they come they're warm and wet, and when they go, they take your house.
  11. Wonder if he'd make a good manager?
  12. Anyone who thinks it's not racist obviously hasn't been following football long enough to remember such shite first time around, and the kind of knuckleheads who participated in it.
  13. Hadawy and shite man. They're the only people on here with any decent craic like. Most people here a bunch of crying bairns! 21231[/snapback] "Yesh, I also agree, they talk, lots of sense. Isn't that right?" (high pitched) You are so right, I wish I was cool like you, they talk loads of sense, each one of them is the bestest supporter, and I hear they're all really handsome too!
  14. Souey's P45, are you Ketsbia's Mobile, or are you just on the same medication? Top 6, bloody hell.
  15. The quality of manager we'd be able to get at the end of the season depends on if the club is in a resucable state, or if we're a freefall trainwreck that no-one would risk their reputation gambling on.
  16. Did they apologise for "Your support is fucking shit" at the semi? Because that must have come across on TV.
  17. No, no, according to a man u fan texting me,the ref was our "twelfth man". Ronaldo (as in you're not the real ronaldo, you're not the real ronaldo) was embarrasing. Ranging from his magical invisible yellow card (which should be a booking for any little twat who does it), to his wobbly lipped "I wanna fwee kick!" face, and his pose on his knees, arms outstreched like Michael Jackson singing earth song, looking up at the ref with a look of utter disbelief, wide eyed and gobsmacked that his double pike piroette face grabbing agony roll had not resulted in a straight red card and an attempted murder charge.
  18. I believe he said something along the lines of "By jove, I bally well scored. Take that, you silly geordies"
  19. He'd need his head seeing to if he joins this car crash, but god I hope it's true. If we do buy him for £18 million, my worry is after a season Liverpool will get some cash/need a striker, he becomes unsettled and we have to sell him for £8 milliom.
  20. Can't judge him on one performace - he looks like he can wing a corner in, which is something we've been lacking for decades. His freekicks were on target at least. I'm pretty optimistic he can do well for us, but we'll have to see. Fuckin hell I'm pissed.
  21. I thought he was shit from the beginning but some fans who's opinion I respect seemed to think he had potential and was a canny player - so I thought maybe I'd misjudged him. But no, he's the midfield equivilant of Ameobi, utterly fucking hapless and like a windsock when he jumps.
  22. Ear wiggling, speaking like Mystikal, holding my lasses big handbag with no hands.
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