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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is the 'Doomsday' scenario that makes me shudder with horror. A mate naively thinks we'll 'be straight back up'. Not only is that a huge insult to most championship teams, but i think it's a head in the sand approach. If JFK comes back , regardless of staying up or going down, we are Royally fucked
  2. Almost makes you weep- come back dyer all is forgiven........ ........ nearly
  3. Didn't quite get your meaning there Stevie, Could you put it more precisely?
  4. If only everyone was as intelligent as you, eh Flop? Have you been missing your medicine again?
  5. Do you think an ageing match going support has anything to do with it, pud? Or a higher proportion of Range Rover driving mitten wearing types? I dont personally think its down to any one type of fans, I would have thought that our fanbase profile is no different to any other clubs. I do believe its purely down to how we have been conditioned over the years. When Stevie talks about the Sky fans of '93 hes right but it shouldnt be a derogatory term. Sky brought football back to the general populus. It made it mainstream and a good place to be. The fact we were up there with the best of them in the following seasons just helped build our fanbase. These arent glory hunters or fair weather fans they are people who liked what they saw and stuck with us with the thinner years that followed. Trouble was that these fans and those that were too young to be around in the pre Premier League days didnt know any different, they only knew the entertainers and pushing for the league, Europe qualification and stuffings of Man U, Spurs (yes Danny, the great Spuds were well and truly stuffed) et al. Now that times are hard and we are needed, fans dont know how to behave, the only songs they know are "We're gonna win the League", "Walking in a Keegan/ Robson wonderland" etc. All songs that cant be sung when you are where we are. Where is the gallows humour? what happened to the songs of pride and passion? songs that make you proud to sing along and get involved. Where did they go? Where are the men who used to stand on a barrier in the Gallowgate and face the wrong way for 90 minutes just so they could gee up the crowd to sing? They havent gone anywhere, its just they know that either they will be ignored or told to sit down and shut up. They cant sing the old songs because its so long now since they have been that nobody knows the words. The only songs sung are Blaydon Races and "Toon Toon", the latter being one that I personally think is cringeworthy. Seriously another fucking spot on post. You should really consider putting yourself forward for the NUSC pr / spokesperson role as you seem to have a grip on things that transcends the various fan "types". In two posts you really have summed up some very good / true points. How you solve the problem is another matter all together. :D Safe Standing?- any need to explain how this would help the 'atmosphere'?
  6. "Right, which one of you fat fuckers ruined our football club?" "Ooooh me, me! Over here! Over here!" ........ Shame it's true
  7. Same here, I genuinely believe that this will be the case. The prospect of this just makes me numb and devoid of emotion. Since the'' blue rinse'' arrived, I've noticed a change in myself- My passion and emotional attachment for the club remain undiminished, however, I no longer seek out EVERY article about NUFC, don't listen to every news report. It's like I've prepared myself, to make the blow when we go into freefall less painful. Anyone else had a similar reaction?
  8. What can I say, I have a lot of knowledge to impart. Either that or this place is dead without me. Rather that than be some 24/7 lurker. In....bang....and Im out Its the way I roll. So your lass told me , last I destroyed her back doors.
  9. Who Hell he? His name is Ash and he is a slave. As far as I can figure, the year is thirteen hundred A.D and he's being dragged to his death. It wasn't always like this, he had a real life, once. A job... Good, bad... he's the guy with the gun. errr.... cheers for clearing that up mate
  10. SLP and most red blooded fellas! Definately something about newsreaders- Kate Silverton, Susanna Reed...... all would receive back door damage Pure quality. Makes me late for work most friday mornings. My lass wants to know why I've put a plastic cover on the remote not shit stains from shoving it ya ass no, but thanks for the tip!
  11. So the guy in front wants to stand and the guy behind wants to sit????? Pleased they are gone. would hate to go to game and stand these days. Dont quite see the clamour for them. Do people think it would make the atmosphere better? the team better? The areas would be designated all standing, or all seated. Like the Jorman's do it. But this picture is of a german one as I understand it, so dont they have the option to do both? Aye, e.g league matches- area is for standing only. They lock the seats "up" european games- seating only, lock the seats down. They don't have a 'mixed option' if you know what I mean.
  12. SLP and most red blooded fellas! Definately something about newsreaders- Kate Silverton, Susanna Reed...... all would receive back door damage Pure quality. Makes me late for work most friday mornings. My lass wants to know why I've put a plastic cover on the remote
  13. SLP and most red blooded fellas! Definately something about newsreaders- Kate Silverton, Susanna Reed...... all would receive back door damage
  14. http://www.geocities.com/electricmammal/lara-rostron.html Read the bit about stroking away to please her cox.
  15. Who is it on here that has a thing for Kate Garraway?
  16. So the guy in front wants to stand and the guy behind wants to sit????? Pleased they are gone. would hate to go to game and stand these days. Dont quite see the clamour for them. Do people think it would make the atmosphere better? the team better? The areas would be designated all standing, or all seated. Like the Jorman's do it.
  17. Win or lose, I always enjoy the day. Have fun Berby. We'll pick over the carcas come Monday. I hope the police are picking over your carcass in some random morgue come monday. Pathologist: "The Rusty Butter Knife has entered the body from a strange angle- it would appear the assailant was on his knees at the time"
  18. Self awareness, well done spud boy
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