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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Did you get banished to the garden sofa after you shit on your foot, or did she let you watch it in the sweatshop ?
  2. Just hot some shite in ChatGPT, no one will know the difference…
  3. Take; 1 Slice of Cheese. 1 Pocket. Place the cheese in the pocket. Cook slowly in a Dutch oven
  4. VARed! The morlocks are going to be rage fucking their sisters in to oblivion tonight.
  5. He’s the only bloke I know with a tiled bedroom.
  6. If we shout “Avengers Assemble”, the ladies team will turn up out of golden portals and sort it all out for us to give us an easy Endgame.
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