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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. Nah, I say we bring back Shepherd.
  2. but much deserved as Chelsea's "goal" was a load of bollocks.
  3. Do you miss Gary Cahill? How has Tim Ream done so far? How much have the injuries to Holden and Lee affected your season? Do you think Adam Bogdan's fluorescent pink jersey goes well with his ginger hair?
  4. Completely missed that deal myself. Also, if anyone didn't know, our Faroese star Joan Simun Edmundsson moved to Viking a few months ago. Why did I just look him up on Wiki...
  5. Oh come on... you're very weird about ex-Reading staff. Bitter they left? Since Rodgers left McDermott's had Reading in the playoffs and now sitting in second place. Rodgers just couldn't get the team to play well - there was plenty of passing around at the back but absolutely nowt going on up front. It's not all impressive that Rodgers has gone up using largely a team set up by Martinez (who imo is a good manager and wasted at Wigan). As for me being bitter then certainly not. I was joyous when Long left because he's shit, and has proved as much this season by being shit for West Brom. I was glad Rodgers left as he was taking the club backwards. I'm still not McDermott's biggest fan as he never has a plan B, but he's worked wonders with a very average team this season. Rodgers looked quite clueless at both Reading and Watford for that matter. Like you say he inherited a team built by Martinez and Sousa but he's done a good job this season (though not the amazing job some are making out, they've got 39 points like). Anyway, best to judge him properly on how they do next season and beyond.
  6. Ha Nile Ranger just scored for Sheffield Wednesday
  7. Jesus, Friedel hasn't missed a premier league game since May 2004. Anyway, anything happening in this match at all?
  8. Fulham got to the final using a much smaller, older and inferior group of players, beating the likes of Juventus and Hamburg along the way and their league position was much the same as it usually is that season. It's certainly possible to combine the two.
  9. As long as the players we buy are better than the ones we sell I couldn't give a fuck what they cost. At the moment this is what we are doing and the players that have left (apart from Enrique) have not been missed. In terms of us not buying a defender in January, we tried but didn't get who we wanted apparently. This happens, Man City and to some extent Man U desperately needed a CB around that time too and also didn't add any new faces. Clubs can't always buy the players they need for a myriad of reasons.
  10. Ben Arfa made mincemeat out of them
  11. How I feel after reading this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FTXCqxtwo8&feature=player_detailpage#t=87s
  12. Spurs continued slide was a nice bonus too
  13. McCleary who got 4 today for Forest against Leeds had previously scored 9 in 117 games
  14. We should definitely try to get Hoilett with him being out of contact soon.
  15. Where do people stand on Harry Hill? Seems to be a very divisive character but personally I'm a big fan. Don't know if he even does stand up anymore with his TV/internet shows.
  16. TicTacWoe


    Stop derailing the thread man
  17. Muamba woke up to the news that Torres has scored two goals and exclaimed "fuck me, how many years have I been unconscious for!?"
  18. I reckon Tiote will be off to be honest, Chelsea do need him as they've never properly replaced Makelele. We're after this guy apparently (as are Arsenal): http://en.wikipedia....enjamin_Corgnet Supposedly had a great season after coming in from relative obscurity.
  19. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. The Welsh aren't allowed to play football in Europe, under an agreement reached between Mrs Thatcher and President Mitterand in 1985. They are allowed to play rugby however. Although I remember when they played (and eventually lost) to Portsmouth in the FA cup final a few years back they said that they would be allowed to play in europe if they won, that special dispensation would be made.
  20. Leazes is absolutely fine when not debating the ownership/who's-right who's-wrong nonsense, but that seems to be literally the only thing he's concerned about nowadays.
  21. Heh, O'Brien looked ok for a while playing with Woodgate to be fair to him, has been shite ever since though.
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