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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. Got it! Wiki says 2 million. Found this out when randomly checking Hamilton's post Newcastle career, as you do, which was pretty dismal.
  2. Nah Wickham is their highest received
  3. This former PL team's two record transfer fees received for players (the same fee) were both bought by Newcastle. What was the team and who were the two players? They were both immense for us
  4. Would be typical Arsenal to get it to 4-4 in the second half and concede some daft goal in the last minute.
  5. They get sent thousands of tweets everyday to be fair, most of them probably don't even check their @ mentions/replies etc
  6. http://www.wtso.net/ There you go Mr Transfer
  7. The Blackburn fans are more angry about the bollocks going on off the pitch. Ryan Nelson for instance, one of their best defenders, Kean said he was injured all season, career under threat etc, sources around the club said he was fit all along but had a large appearance fee in his contract so they didn't play him. Spurs inquire about his fitness in January and hey presto he's fit after all despite Kean saying he was still a while off previously. There was similar stuff with Salgado.
  8. Got to admit, when you were saying Kean would keep them up I thought you were on the Wind Up as it looked pretty much a lock that they were going down. Looks like I was wrong. When you watched their games they were rarely outclassed, outfought or anything like that, they were just unlucky as fuck. They've only had one massive hiding and it was 1-1 11 v 11 at Arsenal, Also they've scored more goals than Newcastle and Liverpool. If he sorts te defence out they'll come mid table next season. They were already 3-1 down when Givet was sent off. They're only outside the relegation zone on goal difference so could still easily go down. I'd say it's a close toss up between them, Bolton and Wolves to join Wigan who I just think are pretty useless.
  9. Even in the worse case scenario I reckon they'll be back challenging within 4 years. They certainly won't cease to exist as some have suggested. I really don't give a shit about either of Celtic/Rangers though to be honest.
  10. Aye you're spot on here Leazes, Rangers will be back challenging for their pointless title in a season or two. It's not as if Celtic have a great squad themselves anyway.
  11. Yeah but we weren't 4th in the league with Allardyce. I'd have had far less problem with Sam's hoofball if it got us into the CL.
  12. That really is bizarre. You'd have to think that there's more to it somehow, like they knew he was looking to move on to Leeds or something, even though that wouldn't make much sense either as they'd get no compensation...
  13. Didn't particularly care for Mick when he was Ireland manager but have warmed to him over time. Feel sorry for him as he was doing a decent job with a not very good team. The players he actually spent money on (Roger Johnson, O'Hara, Doyle etc) were decent even if he did pay over the odds at times. Don't imagine they'll get a manager who would do a much better job with the squad.
  14. To be fair though even Man U, Spurs and Arsenal have had some proper tonkings this season. Best put this game behind us as soon as the pummelling is over, doubt we'll play this bad again this season.
  15. Had a bad feeling about this game. Didn't think it would be quite this awful though...
  16. Don't think we're missing any of those too much (even Enrique as good as he is). Milner, Enrique and Parker (if he played for us as he has done for Spurs) would get into the team though. Never thought that much of Beye and Bassong, they just shone in a really shite/unmotivated team imo.
  17. The one thing I'd say to those who say that England simply don't have the players to do well, they could still do a lot better with what they have. If Greece, Korea, Turkey, Croatia etc can make the semis of major competitions then so can this England team. The current England team is obviously a long way off Spain but other than that, player for player, the likes of Germany and Holland are really not that far ahead and in some areas they are weaker. There's been a total failure to organise the current crop into a cohesive team that plays as a unit like Germany have done. I also think the fact that some of England's better players are absolute bellends of the highest order doesn't help.
  18. Newcastle Online sounds like a right pile of shit.
  19. maybe not. I wouldn't really be concerned about the public [laughing], these things tend to get overstated anyway, for everybody who laughed there would be someone who thought they had at least asked the best candidate. Besides, people aren't in football to be popular,or shouldn't be, they are in it to win and if you win then you make yourself popular. Next best is Mourinho, or Arsene Wenger, both being longer term options. Don't think Mourinho would take an international job at this stage in his career and Wenger has stated that the only country he would manage is France as he believes nations should be managed by people born in that country. Redknapp would do ok I'd reckon. Hiddink wouldn't be a bad call either.
  20. Ginola has been seriously hurt in a skiing accident: http://www.thesun.co...i-accident.html Sounds nasty.
  21. Could be a blessing in disguise, reckon Redknapp would do a better job. Capello's a good manager but what the wrong manager for England imo.
  22. Agree, Allerdyce is a bit of a fool but it's hard to take old hippohead remotely seriously. Dalglish is seriously pissing me off more every time I see/hear him interviewed.
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