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Materialism: The "What have you bought?" Thread


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It's called touting but morally it's no different to selling any rare item for more than its original value really. The only difference being people get very precious about seeing football teams, bands live etc. I.e. sell a rare CD for £30 - ok, sell a Newcastle v Sunderland ticket for double its face value - total scumbag. :jesuswept:


Items that can be reused appreciate/depreciate in value can hardly be taken in the same vein as a 1 off event.


can make all the arguments for selling it at a higher cost all you want

fact is deliberate or not he's effectively he obtained an extra ticket a fan could've got for £50 and is now (maybe) going dick one of them for treble that

I wasn't making an argument for it. I was saying there's no moral difference. There isn't imo.

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iPod touch




Quite a few people seem to be getting them at the moment. Can't wait for it to get here, my current MP3 player is fucked so I have been listening to the same 16 songs for about 3 weeks!

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Thankfully it was near home and going by the damage on his vehicle, it was hard to work out who was the culprit. A knock on his front door resulted in a confession although he claims he didn't know he'd hit it B)

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I'd say i'd have went nuts if someone had drove off not owning up and found them afterwards.


lol chances are slim he didn't notice hitting ya going by the marks


Why go nuts? He 'fessed up which was all I wanted him to do.

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because he only fessed up because you deduced who it was where he lived and went and rapped on the door.

Wouldn't have said fuck all otherwise


I still don't see the point in going ape-shit.. I got him to confess and that's all I wanted. No point in being obnoxious with him, is there?

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iPod touch




Quite a few people seem to be getting them at the moment. Can't wait for it to get here, my current MP3 player is fucked so I have been listening to the same 16 songs for about 3 weeks!


I thought I'd lost mine after Friday night on the piss but found it this morning, so my post in here isn't because I've bought a replacement thankfully. <_<


I'd advise people to get an iphone instead though, if you're out and about it's a bit of a pain to stuff wallet, keys, phone AND ipod into your pockets. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

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