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Steve McClaren sacked as Newcastle United 'Head Coach' (Manager)


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He could always resign. We all know why he won't



Have a fucking word with yourself. Every penny he's gotten and will get when sacked is more than he deserves. I bet he's at least £3m better off for doing an absolutely abysmal job in his time here


He'd resign if he had some self respect, but it doesnt excuse the club's behaviour for me. They got him, gave him the contract and now if they want to get rid they should sack him. I dont know what this dallying sulking thing is supposed to achieve. He made it clear he's not leaving, so just fire him and move on like any proper club would. This is completely unprofessional and making a joke out of the club yet again.

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He'd resign if he had some self respect, but it doesnt excuse the club's behaviour for me. They got him, gave him the contract and now if they want to get rid they should sack him. I dont know what this dallying sulking thing is supposed to achieve. He made it clear he's not leaving, so just fire him and move on like any proper club would. This is completely unprofessional and making a joke out of the club yet again.

No one's excusing the club's behaviour but your line of reasoning was essentially that you hoped McClaren got a few more million out of the club because of the ridiculous dilly-dallying taking place. He's having to put up with a bit of shit for a few days in order to get the sort of payoff most of us would need to win the lottery to achieve.

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No one's excusing the club's behaviour but your line of reasoning was essentially that you hoped McClaren got a few more million out of the club because of the ridiculous dilly-dallying taking place. He's having to put up with a bit of shit for a few days in order to get the sort of payoff most of us would need to win the lottery to achieve.


To piss the fat one off yes. Its quite clear he's not bothered by anything other than a dent in his pocket.

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I'm more bothered about the negative effect this is having on the squad in the lead up to one of our last 10 games, I honestly couldn't give a fuck about a bloke who is going to be paid millions for doing a completely shit job being dicked about by the club a bit.

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What's McClaren's £s earned per game ratio?


I get the point but again its the club who paid him that. Its not like anyone else would have turned the money down or asked for less. There's a lot of money in football yes. Still no reason to make a complete fool of yourself in front of half the world.

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I'm more bothered about the negative effect this is having on the squad in the lead up to one of our last 10 games, I honestly couldn't give a fuck about a bloke who is going to be paid millions for doing a completely shit job being dicked about by the club a bit.

The players have no confidence with the board and set up, they all know the club isn't ran correctly.Its a mess from the top that trickles down to the playing staff

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The club have played this very clever they've had this long drawn out thing with McClaren this week. Now they've got the Benitez story going (will he come or not). Now all this week the fans should have been in uproar to the fact that we had a massive home defeat to Bournemouth & we're still 19th in the league. All that has been deflected away because of all the carry on. Also as Howay said it's hardly been a good way to prepare the squad for the away game to Leicester.

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The club have played this very clever they've had this long drawn out thing with McClaren this week. Now they've got the Benitez story going (will he come or not). Now all this week the fans should have been in uproar to the fact that we had a massive home defeat to Bournemouth & we're still 19th in the league. All that has been deflected away because of all the carry on. Also as Howay said it's hardly been a good way to prepare the squad for the away game to Leicester.


What a contradiction!

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Sorry I meant in regard of keeping the fans at bay of course there are no winners in this at all


Except Charnley! He has managed to put off making an important decision so long that there are reports it's not even his decision anymore.

Edited by Howay
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Except Charnley! He has managed to put off making an important decision so long that there are reports it's not even his decision anymore.


So is it being left up to Ashley?

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So is it being left up to Ashley?

Not sure, I just remember someone posting up something about how Charnley is no longer making the decision just overseeing it. Of course it may have been a false story but it's entirely plausible.

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Anyone that thinks Charnley has the final say in the big decisions is mad. Ashley is a control freak.


I've worked for similar types. They imply it's all upto you but insist you "just run it by me" first. Then they say no or what about this or that and it ends up leaving you in the sort of drawn out paralysis we are seeing this week.

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I wonder if someone has accepted the job and this faffing about is because whoever it is has said he doesn't want to take over til after the Leicester game cos he doesn't want his first game to be a howking. Would be perverse and negative in the extreme but with this club nothing would surprise me.


Anyway my prediction is that the squad will be all over the place psychologically and Leicester will be out of sight after half an hour. Shelvey will hoy a radgie and two foot someone, straight red card and we are deprived of our best player for the next 3 games, 2 of which are "must wins". We'll therefore be back to Colback and Anita centre mid for those games, and we'll lose the 3 of them, effectively consigning ourselves to relegation.

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