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Game of Thrones - *SPOILER ALERT*


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Theons actually a prisoner, when the iron islands rebelled and were crushed they took him to ensure they stayed quiet.


Thats the difference between reading the books properly and just watching the series :lol:


Point still stands, its basically a medieva/dark age soap with hot women getting it regularly. Best thing on telly by a mile, but it is getting really convaluted. Difficult to follow at the moment, to many story threads and obscure characters that havent been seen for a series and a half.

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Sat in the pub last night after five a side one of the lads said he'd just started watching it. To which my mate said it was class when Sean Bean got killed. The other lad wasn't at all happy as he was only up to episode seven :D


spoiler tags man!

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alright simple question, does the blonde one with the dragons ever arrive back and kill some of the fuckers on the other continent


Not in all the books written so far of which there are 5. It's a good story where she is though


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so in all that time


shes still not made it back over? fuck me.... so it's going continue with joffery getting married, apparently bumped off, and them going back and forth between people at "the wall" doing nothing and the ones down south doing less... how are they going get this thing finished before the kids etc have aged too much and it doesn't match the books at all



IMO They'll skip most of the fourth book cause it uses different characters and it can be explained fairly quickly. I know what you mean though it's a bit slow for some. The biggest risk is GRR Martin won't finish the books cause hes old and none too healthy looking.


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Sat in the pub last night after five a side one of the lads said he'd just started watching it. To which my mate said it was class when Sean Bean got killed. The other lad wasn't at all happy as he was only up to episode seven :D


:lol: gutter. You may have just done the same thing for some other people on here mind!

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