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  2. the thing is with this, if they were being sincere I'd actually have a shit load of sympathy with their stance. I think disturbing the nesting kittiwakes is a profoundly stupid and irresponsible thing to do and nufc/sela/the council should hang their heads in shame for going ahead with this when they have. genuinely. that said, it's took three pages for one of the cunts to actually acknowledge that these birds are kittiwakes and not seagulls. they're, white, got grey wings, yellow feet, predominantly live by the sea and the average mackem's primary concern is whether or not they're still virgins and do they spit or swallow?
  3. It'd be fucking hilarious if after this Tricky Dicky is still voted out. He's high on my top of the cunts list.
  4. Everyone is just done with this lot. PS Where's Rishi?
  5. Today
  6. Aye there was loads of rope nonces there on Friday ☺️
  7. No a bloke called Chris. He was an old guy. My mate went to a talk done by that John Dunne I think a couple of months back. Said he was a really nice bloke
  8. What was his name? Not John Dunne, was it?
  9. When I did some climbing, the bloke that taught me set a couple routes on there and Malham, Balls of steel man.
  10. No, Kilnsey was for the elite boys when I was grimping. I was good but not elite good
  11. Mate of mine started working at an upholstery factory last year, I’ve just heard that 6 months ago he fell in to one of the fabric wrapping machines. He’s fully recovered
  12. Day trip from Glasgow on public transport so Arran's premier tourist attraction will have to wait until next time. With all the low cloud we might have driven straight past it without realising anyway...
  13. I've been clogging t'roads in Swaledale today. @Monkeys Fisthave you climbed Kilnsey before?
  14. Malham Cove? I’ve climbed there once or twice.
  15. Just put top ten motd on about their predicted top ten players of the euros coming up. They put ten players in no particular order as they'll obviously put them in an order. It got as far as Virgil Van Dijk and I turned it off.
  16. English, 26 years old, regular first team starter in a team that made champions league. Got to be looking for £25m
  17. The original tweet appears to have been deleted, so I'm not sure what it's about, but the responses are as hyperbolically insane as we've come to expect. What? Normal.
  18. Not only are the mackems massive human rights supporters they care passionately about birds...apart from Magpies obv. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/mags-light-show-endangered-birds.1634694/
  19. Never mind that, did you find the picnic table?
  20. Ey up @wykikitoon ‘appen, thee/thou, whippets, bastard cyclists clogging up rural roads etc etc
  21. I think the board software update I have slated for after the euros will handle that. If not then i'll go back to the drawing board and see if its fixable some other way
  22. Reporting today suggesting that the Tories are split between whether bringing in Farage or bringing back Johnson is what's needed to return them to electability.
  23. That promo vid is beyond awfull. Fucking humming "Second skin" ffs man
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