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  2. They were a good side by all accounts, not quite the crack players Hungary produced a decade earlier but still good enough to beat some top outfits including Don Revie's Leeds United side. (He didn't give us a chance). I was still four years away from gracing the planet with my existence when we won our last trophy, 🎵....and here's to Bobby Moncur, the fairs cup in his hand....🎶
  3. I was born roughly 18 years after this - just in case some of you weren't feeling old enough.
  4. To be fair, the amount of money that you (and we) can bring to bear would ruin the league as a competition. Unchecked both of us could buy the very best players from our opponents, the best in the world, and trade titles as they do in Spain. There has to be a limit on what clubs can spend, and it has to be significantly below what our clubs' owners can afford.
  5. Destitute, sucking cock for baccy?
  6. Yes I still have this on VHS video tape. I was 11 years old.
  7. Today
  8. I've never seen that before. I've got a vague memory of the family huddled round the wireless in front of the coal fire listening, but not totally sure if I've made it up or not I definitely remember my father coming into my room( in retrospect obviously pissed) after the first leg and giving me the program and a blow by blow of the game. Much to my mother's annoyance as she had to get me up for school the next morning
  9. The obligatory physio room moment will be a bit awkward. "You can just put your stuff over there, here's where you'll be sleeping."
  10. Yeah i'm okay with the orange. tbh i hadn't thought about you guys wearing black and white stripes. Has there already been a vote that i wasn't aware of?
  11. Prison stripes are black and white - yes they are hooped, but they can fuck off. American style orange boiler suits and they have to play in those leg chains you see when they get off the prison bus - then it's a deal.
  12. Aye, right. And I wouldn't let Margot Robbie suck my cock either.
  13. That's Macron's gamble fucked.
  14. "tete a tete". Dave. This sort of thing is really not OK.
  15. I have a fairly clear view point. Take another look at City and scrap the spending restrictions. City are debt free. That's the only rule you need (maybe some debt allowed, like mortgage against assets, so as not screw clubs like Man U over). City are incredibly well run. City behave with respect towards the wider community. The Premier League needs to be the richest league in order to maintain pace with the rest of Europe. Restrictions threaten that. City have massively invested in East Manchester. And it's paying off. Those cranes are to do with building a third in the one remaining two tier end. They are also building a hotel and new fan zone. Getting ready for non-league football.
  16. @ them if youre going to drop names gemmy @Toonpack @spongebob toonpants @RobinRobin @Alex
  17. My god. Where would I be without toontastic?
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