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Everything posted by WubbleUC

  1. yes, yes it is and as for the CRT, aye all this swanky living means I cant even afford a proper biscuit barrel never mind a TFT Did you sell the side and top panels for biccie money aswell?
  2. Bagsie not kipping under that next weekend!
  3. Never thought of it that way, but that's actually a canny point.
  4. WubbleUC


    All the best shortarse!
  5. Just got back from that, I'm fucking soaking! Absolutely cracking result, well done The Bay!
  6. Personally, I'd gan to Germany. Basic German isn't really that difficult to grasp either. Well, it wasn't for me, and I'm nee Einstein, like.
  7. Did you go Luke? I was getting text updates off my old man! Aye, me Tommo and JR went. Gannin to the replay on Tuesday like!
  8. Bastards, Whitley ran Blyth ragged in the 2nd half an aal!
  9. Trainee Pornstar. First couple of weeks have been fantastic, having to put in a bit of overtime but it's not as bad as people make out. I blinded someone called Tawnee on the first day though, which didn't go down too well. I actually jump in front of cars and, sue the drivers.
  10. Starting to happen more and more now like, people getting thier own back. Definitely more entertaining than the happy slap itself, and justice at it's best!
  11. Some horrible little bastard tried to tax my pizza last night. He didn't succeed.
  12. That's generous, mate. It looks like a plop on a plank! I suppose this will be on Google when Newcastle gets it's own country status, thanks to another poll?
  13. Aye, I noticed that. Is it legal to drink on german coaches? I noticed they didn't give a monkeys in Holland.. Well, bus drivers are a special species in Germany, so you never know for definite. But as long as you are wearing clean boots you might be ok.. Cheers Jormanite!
  14. Aye, I noticed that. Is it legal to drink on german coaches? I noticed they didn't give a monkeys in Holland..
  15. There's websites that will give you good money for that, mind.
  16. Booked. I hope neeone loses me bastard bag this time.
  17. Someones just posted the link to this game on another messageboard. Thought it might be right up your alley ( ) http://www.2adultflashgames.com/f/f-115.htm EDIT: It's actually quite good! NSFW by the way...
  18. Is that a power button on his back, like? Someone should press it tbh..
  19. WubbleUC

    Own up!

    Always, except for when I'm out on the lash. That is basically because I don't appreciate having to give Winston the soap man a quid for the pleasure, every time I go to the bog.
  21. If you look closely, inscribed on the poo itself, it will say 'Thank you for using Zorro constipation releif. Keeping the world shitting since 1908.'
  22. Seriously, Berb, do you get your jokes from the book of Genesis or summit!?
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