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Everything posted by WubbleUC

  1. What a tribute. 192335[/snapback] I didn't personally like, but I know people who thought he was a fucking lunatic. I thought he was great to watch.
  2. Was just watching a programme with him on it on ITV yesterday. Some people may have regarded him as a dick, but you cannit fault his work, his efforts, and the things he's taught people. RIP.
  3. Aye them garages were class Gemmill. Got nee idea how that wallpaper hasn't left you with some sight problems like! You're all bastards by the way IT WAS ON THE LINE! HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY CALL THAT!?
  4. Aye, I've just got bigger tbh. Just found this one aswell..Me Ma is ganna get lectured when she gets back from her holidays for this fucking cardigan malarky..
  5. Only one on the PC at the mo. Ugly little get!
  6. Being sucked into the hoover arse first him, like.
  7. WubbleUC


    Funnily enough, I was just cutting the grass and narrowly missed a frog. You are not having it. Happy Birthday!
  8. Don't need a test to tell me I'm a porker tbh.
  9. Me Fatha used to work not far from the tunnel it happened in, so when I was in Paris once, he took me to see it. I'm not surprised she's deed, we nearly got laced off at least 3 Mercs, and we were just on the side of the road! Paris is a nightmare when it comes to traffic. You only have to stand on the top of L'arc De Triomphe and look at the roundabout below to see how crazy them bastards are. Accidents just like hers probably happen all the time, and not just in Paris. Sad at the time, yes, but it was time to move on 8 years ago. I dread to think what'll happen next year for the '10th anniversary' bash (nee pun intended).
  10. It's the complete opposite direction, you berk!
  11. Have you had trouble with them in the past and been awarded credit to fly with at a later date? If so, it might have expired, so you might have got what you got on the screen because of that. I found this on their website: The fare paid (inclusive of all taxes and charges but exclusive of credit card fees if applicable) for the affected sector and the return sector and other related easyJet sectors if not flown, upon request, will be held in a credit file for you. This credit can be used towards another easyJet flight, within the following six-month period. Even if you didnt, at least you know what a 'credit file' is now.
  12. Walked back to Monkseatoon loads of times from town. That's about 8-10 miles I think. Me feet were never too clever after walking that in me dancing shoes.
  13. WubbleUC


    No offence taken whatsoever, mate. It's got a lot to do with how cheap it was mind, it's not a very expensive trip. I very nearly didn't bother. I'm still paying for the last time we were in Europe. As Greg says though, it's a mini holiday in a way, to somewhere I probably wouldnt go if we werent playing there.
  14. We had to so a Health & Saftey presentation in our Assembly once in School. You could see all the various departments shuffling and scratching nervously as we listed things that shouldn't happen.
  15. WubbleUC


    how are you getting there? Toon to berlin to Tallin? 187495[/snapback] Driving to Stanstead, flying to Helsinki, getting the ferry-hovercrafty thing accross to Tallinn.
  16. WubbleUC


    Anyone ever been? Going over for our game in a few weeks. Most people have said it's a beautiful place like, but that's about it.
  17. Same with all the West Midlands clubs. Took a mates ticket off him last year at West Brom for being DD. He was pissed like, but he wasn't that bad. They reckoned they had video evidence of him stumbling around all over the shop, which was complete bullshit aswell. It was Thompson off here actually. Wolves aswell, they turned a blind eye to thier lot picking fights with Newcastle fans, and as soon as anyone tried to defend themselves against it, they were getting nicked left right and centre.
  18. WubbleUC


    Aye, just what I was wondering.
  19. WubbleUC


    Forgot to add, thats all before you do a proper test obviously, so you can ride bigger bikes, but still..
  20. WubbleUC


    Sorry you had to see such a thing, Craig. Not nice at all. They need to change the fucking law like. Currently, the ONLY thing you HAVE to wear on a bike, is a helmet. The rest is all optional. That's why you always see people whizzing round in casual clothes. I'm the first to admit I've been guilty of this sort of thing myself like. Back in March, I got myself a scooter to do my commuting, and it took me a minor fall to sit up and take notice of the reasons for wearing proper gear. I had a bit of a slip going up my street, doing no faster than 20mph. I fell off, and it fucking wrecked. I immediately imagined that happening at the top speed it does (60) on the open road, and started wearing better gear straight away. I think one of the problems with bikes, especially the less powerful ones, is that they're so easy to legally use these days. Scooters or Mopeds for example, are mosly 'twist and go' models now, which is exactly what it says. All you do, is twist the throttle and you're away. At 16, all you have to do is a day long course (which actually isn't a day long at all) and unless you're seriously shite, you can walk out of there with a licence to ride a 50cc bike, for 2 years. Unsupervised. They'll only do a 'restricted' 30mph, but they're easlily tampered with. It's illegal, but they can be unrestricted, and afterwards will go slightly faster, but never over 50mph. Bairns get away with this all the time, becuase it's impossible for Juliet Bravo etc to tell it's been done without taking it apart, which they aren't going to do on the side of the road. At 17+, you can do the same course, but you're allowed to use a more powerful bike, owt up to 125cc. Some of the top end models of this power are just about capable of motorway speed. At this course, called a CBT, which stands for Compulary Basic Training, you're taught the basics of handling the bike, and given reccommendation on what and what not to wear. After a bit of time in a car park practicing manouvers and getting used to the bike, you go out on the road for a while. Then you're done. It's easy as that. Take all of what I've said above, and stick it on the open road with big fucking machines, it's asking for trouble. Thing is though, as only anyone whos ever been on a bike can testify, it's a brilliant experience if you do it properly, and it's gaining in popularity. But for me, it's only till I get a car, then I'll be selling it.
  21. WubbleUC

    Its Friday!

    I just typed 'tall robber' or something into google.
  22. WubbleUC

    Its Friday!

    Too short Cow man! ..
  23. Fucking Jinxed myself. Worst one ever yesterday. Still feel gammy today.
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