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Everything posted by WubbleUC

  1. Oasis at Maine Road. I imagine you'll want to delete your post now tbh. Coldplay were alreet when I saw them too. I wish I'd gone to the one at the COM Stadium last year to be honest, that would have been ace. Nah. Maine Road tbh. At their peak! Oh, don't worry mate, I'm still jealous as fook.
  2. Oasis at Maine Road. I imagine you'll want to delete your post now tbh. Coldplay were alreet when I saw them too. I wish I'd gone to the one at the COM Stadium last year to be honest, that would have been ace.
  3. Oasis @ the arena, twice. Both class. Also, Coldplay, which I expected to be pretty crap, was mint aswell.
  4. That depends. My favourite one recently was "We apologise for the cancellation of this service. This is due to ...... (flustered pause) ...... the cancellation of this service." It was only a half an hour delay like, but we got one in London once, where the lass came on and said 'We apologise for the 30 minute delay, this is due to reasons fully within our control. Thank you.'
  5. You have got to be pulling the collective board leg!?
  6. Aye, they did a report on BBC from Great Yarmouth earlier today, and there was a lad behind the reporter splashing about with his mates, in a toon top! Everything alright at your gaff like Jimbo?
  7. Much better idea. Drum kits cost a small fortune.
  8. This is the one I saved you all from seeing.
  9. Aye, but I've saved you all the predictable George Michael one I received aswell.
  10. Which sick bastard told him it was a midweek rollover anyway?
  11. One thing I love about you is your use of "HOway" as a greeting So spectacularly out of context but very endearing at the same time. I always wondered if I was the only one who'd noticed that.
  12. Funnily enough, I was naffing about on YouTube before and I found this video of the Wildhearts on TOTP..
  13. Think of it as more of a shit deterrent thread.
  14. Looks like melted stork butter 'n aal. Funnily enough, when I get a migraine, doesn't matter how much I've eaten, when I'm sick, it's always bile.
  15. When I went through my Gemma Atkinson phase a couple of years back (gone right off her now mind, plastic bint) I once had a dream I'd met her at some massive club next to Benton metro. Obviously, this club doesn't exist, but it was a really vivid dream. I can remember exactly how the place looked, what I was wearing, what she was wearing, what my mates were wearing, how much the drinks were, the lot. I can remember all the emotions of the dream aswell, I even felt a bit pissed, it was really quite scary how real it seemed. It had all started by one of my mates telling me he'd blagged us into the VIP bit of this place, and once we were in there, we all got split up, chatting to famous people. One of the lads was chatting up Dusty Springfield for fucks sake, another lad was asking Tom Hanks for a tab.. Then, one of my mates came tearing over telling me who was there, and how I wouldn't beleive it etc etc..so he showed me. After all the initial nerves I went over and had a full on converation with her, which I can still remember fully, got on really well, left with her number and all that. She left, and I went over to the lads, who were all assembled at the bar. One of them started singing the Blaydon Races, and got chucked out, so we followed him out. Last thing I remember of it was walking down the street towards the metro, and not long after I woke up. I had been out on the piss the night before, and I woke up feeling a bit rough. I somehow managed to convince myself this had actually happened. Needless to say, when I was brushing my teeth and suddenly realised none of that had happened at all, I was bastard furious!
  16. and the 118 118 adverts 193144[/snapback] Bastid.
  17. I think my full telly appearance list () is:- Leverkusen (a) Basel (a) ManUre (a) ITV News' Binge Drinking documentary.
  18. Fond memories of the Irish pub in Hamburg and being able to point at the screen and say "I know that belly!" 193002[/snapback] He's rumbling. Knows your talking about him. I got slated for that mind, at least I stayed fully clothed at Leverkusen and Basel.
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