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Everything posted by TheInspiration

  1. Everyone's been awful at Preston tbh. I think giving Carroll a go is worth it. He could link up well with Owen - worth a try.
  2. Judging by this article though it looks like he's quickly become a journalist so it's not all bad.
  3. He also stopped being good at football 9 years ago.
  4. It may seem harsh sacking him but in his position, he shouldn't be saying that. It wasn't even funny tbh. So, I don't really feel sorry for him.
  5. Cheers everyone! Happy birthday Tom also - great dya to be born.
  6. Emre's actually our only centre-mid who has done something this season. He has a handful of assists as well as that goal against Everton. Should be the third name on the teamsheet - after Given and Beye.
  7. Probably because Milner has a first touch. I know you can say all sorts of critical things about Martins, but the point stands - he's done far more than most of the other players, so why give him more stick? Doesn't make sense. In any case, we've seen some great first touches from him also, such as goal against City in the away game.
  8. I like Milner, but he really lacks quality. I don't see why Martins is getting plenty of stick when he's done definitely more than Milner has in the past year, overall.
  9. TheInspiration


    No doubt, I've a few mates who went to Manchester Uni and they all slated it, so when a friends younger sister asked me what I'd heard, I told her. She went none-the-less (because her boyfriend was going to be somewhere near or something equally unrelated to the city itself) and she loved it. I would still warn people off it, because that's the overwhelming story I've heard. gram on here raves about Sheffield, and from what I've seen it's a shit hole. I like Leeds and I'd bet there's a substantial number of people who fucking hate it. either way it's best to ask around to get a feel for what kind of night life it has etc. Aye, having another look would be good. The problem with big cities is you will find lots of rough bits. I was born in Bristol and everyone says it's great (even if unfriendly), but even there some parts aren't nice. Same with Newcastle I'm sure. Overall it's very subjective and in the end depends on how enjoyable a person's time is there. I could understand if I got mugged, for example, I'd like Nottingham a lot less than however much I would if I hadn't.
  10. TheInspiration


    I'm just doing straight politics now. Got offers from Durham, Warwick, Newcastle and Edinburgh and rejected by Oxford. What are you applying for now? I applied for a degree in theology and the like - something "academic" and the sort of thing I'm good at. Well my philosophy teacher who is also the headmaster thinks I should go for it, but there goes. Won't definitely take it though and may apply for something next year - maybe joint honours like politics and human geography. Bad luck on the Oxford rejection, but your other universities look good. Durham rejected me, probably because of grades.
  11. TheInspiration


    Fair enough. Not surprised it's full of dickheads tbh, but there goes. Will still probably go there but am going to have another look in February, and at Exeter too, where I haven't been - somewhere a bit "nicer", apparently though I hear otherwise from a lot of other people who have been there. My sister is at uni there and she lives in Lenton, which is one of the poorer parts I believe and she seems to have a great time there. Then again, opinions do differ.
  12. TheInspiration


    How come you don't like it Luke - I could swear you did also. I'm not doing politics anymore Dan, but still considering Exeter. PPE for you is it not? Whereabouts might you go?
  13. TheInspiration


    Hopefully 2008 will be a good year, but I've no clue what's to come and so I'll reserve judgment. 2007 for me was a bit meh - had some good and bad times but nothing much exciting has happened. Need to work hard now and despite that fact I'll turn 18 in 10 days, my social life is getting smaller (may be a good thing with all this work). Need to get the grades to go to university at Exeter or Nottingham - that is should I decide to this year. Will see how things go.
  14. RIP. Horrid thing to happen at a football match of all places.
  15. Agreed. As a pundit, he may not be the best but he has a good understanding of tactics/team selection etc, unlike Allardyce, who can't get the common sense part right. He knows the fans and understands the demands of the job.
  16. Martins was crap today, but he's hardly the person we should be having a go at. Only our leading goalscorer after all. Who is going to play instead of him anyway?
  17. Tbh, I couldn't care less what's he doing in his private life, and neither could... just about anyone else.
  18. Unless someone tells the goal machine that is Alan Smith how to score, starting today. Indeed, the goal machine who has scored one goal in about forty games. Let's start him every game Sam, despite the fact he has about one shot every four games, let alone no goals! It's okay though, he gets stuck in. Proper player.
  19. Unless someone tells the goal machine that is Alan Smith how to score, starting today. Indeed, the goal machine who has scored one goal in about forty games. Let's start him every game Sam, despite the fact he has about one shot every four games, let alone no goals!
  20. I know you all seem to have left me off your posts, but don't worry - I know you're only having a laugh as I would really be the first name on the list.
  21. Martins often fails to do the basics right, and even when he's out of position, he should still be able to beat his man as Milner does on the other flank. However, if there's one player we should be criticising it's certainly not him. Leading scorer last year and will probably be this year even with the ACN. That's good enough, surely.
  22. At least wherever he goes, he WILL score goals. I heard he has the best goals to game ratio in the Premiership for a plaeyr who isn't part of the "big four" - something on the lines of that anyway.
  23. Well that was nice. I go away for the last fifteen minutes to eat dinner, thinking we'd get a crap 0-0 at best and then get back to see the worst player on the pitch wins it for us in the last minute. Hopefully Sam will play 4-4-2 next game...possibly.
  24. Sorry to hear about that Jonny. I always remember how hard it was when I lost my grandad. He was such a legend and it was a shock to find he died fairly suddenly.
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