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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. Similar thing happened to my kitty, only it's jump was synchronised perfectly with me flushing. Couldn't help piss myself laughing as all four legs frantically flapped about in cartoon stylee fashion trying to get a grip of something!!
  2. Spot on! And if it wasn't for a truly amazing goal line clearance by <insert name here> from Shearers half volley turn shot effort, we would have gone in at the interval 3-1 up. Was nice to see the joy on Parkers and Givens faces at the final whistle - gave me chills!
  3. Are you suggesting Campbell's not a footballer? Racism tbh. UM should be a lesson to you! 92438[/snapback] No, I'm merely stating that as he has no affiliation with NUFC, any thread created about him shouldn't be in the Newcastle United forum IMO, tbh.
  4. Having a wazz over all the new shiny servers... probly
  5. Mines in the proper forum though. FACT!
  6. Has issued a come and get me plea to Alan Curbishley at Charlton Athletic after he heard that their scorers on Wednesday were Young and Bent.
  7. Not wanting to join the uber-clique here but you started things off AF with this meaningless post. BTW, Welcome um... new-member-who-started-this-thread - I forget your name as the discussion has changed so often!
  8. Splinter Cell is class, much better than any lameo sports game imo, tbh etc, etc...
  9. Just come up and talk to me, I won't bite.
  10. Manc-mag, Alex and SLP Edit: Happy now Gol?
  11. Last night during MOTD would you believe.... No shit neither, I MSN'd Gol and told him to get it ready - just had that feeling 87864[/snapback] Gol takes orders from Craig - FACT! 88062[/snapback] Craig's the dominant personality, obviously. 88064[/snapback] Ubergeek vs geek tbh
  12. Eh? I thought he was your main competition to Souness's affections? 88001[/snapback] Souness is history. Deano's the man for me. 88015[/snapback] Shall I delay making your new badge? 88018[/snapback] You can do aye. Basically whoever gets appointed, I love them. 88021[/snapback] Perhaps a "I Love Roader/Shearer" one in the interim?
  13. I say we go with Roader until the end of the season then buy that two for one package that is Sven and Beckham.
  14. Reminds me of this funny section from "Disorder In The Court" Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure? A: No. Q: Did you check for breathing? A: No. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor? A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practising law somewhere.
  15. You would have thought in this day an age that someone supposedly as financially astute as FS, he'd add in some get out clause relating to poor performances or the like wouldn't you... or is there some silly rule that prevents that?
  16. If the money isn't donated to charity I don't think I'll be going, although having said that I'll probably persuade myself differently nearer the time. He will have been here 10 years so has to have a testimionial; I hope he does the decent thing though. 84672[/snapback] I went to Pedro's, on a feebie though Even if 50% went to charity it would be a nice gesture. 84676[/snapback]
  17. It was the FatMan who made the choice in the first place. He's as incompetant and as guilty as anyone else at that club. We'll never win anything with unstability and with these fools in charge will never have stability. He's looking for a scapegoat, but he should go too. 83215[/snapback] Shepherd was panicked into a rush appointment, he should have sacked Bobby during the close season and took time to appoint a proper manager but he didnt, he stuck by Bobby and could tell early on it was a wrong move so he made a bold decision which backfired. To say he should go just because of Souness is, well quite frankly laughable. 83220[/snapback] Poor choice of words there Pud!
  18. MrBass


    what would you like to chat about ??? 81990[/snapback] Actually I'm just off to watch Celeb BB , but feel free to put the world to rights in this liddle thread 81995[/snapback] oops...forgot ...me too 82000[/snapback] Got my 'My Name is Earl' catch up to watch at 10.30 82004[/snapback] Jason Lee, absolute legend!
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