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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. "I'm cooking an egg for the very first time... ah hmmmm, ah hmmm...."
  2. Nope, I'm sticking with her in my avatar
  3. That one you mean ...geez that was a stretch I prefer this one myself.
  4. Yes but I'm not saying any more on the subject for fear of being ridiculed!
  5. I completely agree about Jason Lee but, for me, Ethan Suplee is by far the best character in the show - blokes come a long way since Boy Meets World!
  6. he'll have to stand on a few yellow pages to reach 147634[/snapback] Didn't say where he nutted him though did I?
  7. Canny stupid from Rooney in what was supposed to be a "gentle" workout. 147630[/snapback] Getting rid of the competition tbh. Just wait for the Sun headline "ROO NUT!" - Wayne Rooney headbutts Peter Crouch in training... full story on Page 8.
  8. Couldn't PP make you an animated one? B- tbh
  9. Would you be of the same opinion if it was regarding Owen?
  10. Bit of a kick in the teeth for the Baggies like 143121[/snapback] What, the fact that he didn't want to leave or that he's a useless overrated fat lump?
  11. Never going to happen imo. He'll poo his pants after a few defenders kick a few lumps out of him. RIPLEYSBETTERBELIEVEITBAY_BEE!
  12. So you're actually 38 as opposed to the 28 you're claiming to be.
  13. Bleedin' cheek of it! Why should I have to dish out £19 because some turd from the DVLA thought it would be a good idea to change the driving licence style?!?!
  14. Welcome to the forum marra, now make sure you post some decent shit or I'll break ya fookin legs! 143053[/snapback] http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/....html#msg400586 143074[/snapback] Thanks, but I couldn't really give two tits about what was said tbh
  15. Welcome to the forum marra, now make sure you post some decent shit or I'll break ya fookin legs!
  16. Great, I get to see Peter Crouch then. EDIT: By the way, what's the best way to get a camera in with me? Says on the tickets that no cameras are allowed. 142729[/snapback] Just think 'Jenas' and substitute 'camera' for 'phone' ... allegedly
  17. Gemmill 142661[/snapback]
  18. Kinga and Kemal to enter the hisooose? Clicky here
  19. MrBass


    A 'Posh Cheddar' baguette from Prét and a Prét Bar... deeee_lish!
  20. Only decent thing about that thread has got to be
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