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Stressed to fuck.


Move out of house in a week and a half. The house we are buying cannot be sold yet. Moving family of four into a two bedroom apartment let til we find a new house.


On Friday last week we were told a loan company still had a notice of security on our house and we couldn't sell it. Turns out the secured loan we got in 2007 and paid in full in 2011 was with a company which went into liduidation and didn't bother to do all of it's paper work. Spent last friday and a lot of monday tring to find out who the fuck to sort it out.


Had a job interview on Monday and waiting for news of that.


Got an exam on Tuesday.

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Stressed to fuck.


Move out of house in a week and a half. The house we are buying cannot be sold yet. Moving family of four into a two bedroom apartment let til we find a new house.


On Friday last week we were told a loan company still had a notice of security on our house and we couldn't sell it. Turns out the secured loan we got in 2007 and paid in full in 2011 was with a company which went into liduidation and didn't bother to do all of it's paper work. Spent last friday and a lot of monday tring to find out who the fuck to sort it out.


Had a job interview on Monday and waiting for news of that.


Got an exam on Tuesday.

I prescribe


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tiny slot window, which looks over a field.

When his daughter came home from school, he started banging on the door and shouting, she refused to go upstairs because she didn't know who it was :lol:

As a final kick in the balls, when his kids eventually went up to let him out, it was the spindle which had snapped, so they just opened the door, looking puzzled as to why he couldn't get out.

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Aye he's a cutie. Tell your dad to give it a while and then to buy another one to fall in love with again. It's not a replacement but it's nice having a pet in the house


An older pic just after he came:




That is a mint looking cat.

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You bought him off Gumtree? Why not get a rescue kitten? And this isn't me being all worthy but there's so many animals that could go to a good home from the shelters and charities.

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Generally speaking, I wouldn't buy an animal off a private individual. Too many scumbags about using permanently preggers cats and dogs as a second source of income.


Kennel club certs are a decent measure of a vendor's reliability. But with Cats? Just go to a rescue shelter. Dogs from a shelter may have issues, but cats are anti-social bellends anyway, so who'd tell the difference?

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You bought him off Gumtree? Why not get a rescue kitten? And this isn't me being all worthy but there's so many animals that could go to a good home from the shelters and charities.

I didn't buy anyone, my parents did. And if he wasn't bought he'd have become a rescue kitten soon enough

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Fucking shit. One of those days where the thought of getting out of bed seemed insurmountable. Honestly if I was living on my own I'd have called in sick. At work now, but keep procrastinating, like coming on here to tell you I'm procrastinating.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy as a pig in shite.

Been largely absent from here for a while, mainly because I've been grafting my bollocks off and also preparing for a biiig meeting with the directors of a large firm from darn sarf to iron out the details of my business running their northern office, mainly doing bridge inspections for the railway network- fucking huge amounts of work, covering Yorkshire northwards, including all of Scotland.

Just back from meeting them at the Crowne Plaza in town, it went even better than expected, and I'll be ordering my Aston Martin next week :lol:


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