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I only met him once and very briefly. Needless to say, he was in absolute awe.


The tributes on NO would be well worth someone compiling and sending over to his family. Obviously knock anything out about him being a fanny rat, nobody needs that in their eulogy.

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I messaged his mam (mistakingly thinking it was his sister) earlier and this was her reply..


Thank you I am Jon's Mum Rachel is his sister, Thank you so much I am so pleased that his Newcastle friends are aware as I know he would have wanted you all too know, He loved Newcastle and his beloved team, never changed, we are going to get his shearer shirt on him as soon as we can, I told him yesterday after he passed this is what we will do, Please say a big thank you to all his mates up there, Love you all Naomi

That's the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen on a forum. :( Hope you get a nice corner of heaven to reside in Jon,

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Shocking news. I remember Gejon from when I used to post on NO back in the day and he always came across well. Its a tragedy and 31 is no age at all. RIP.


Aye. Good old days. I've never even posted that much but I remember how delighted I was to initially discover other NUFC fans on the internet :D Always have time for people from those days. Except for Gemmil of course who was rude and chased me off iirc. :whistling:


Good on Cat for getting people's message across.


Reading Stevie and Ant's bickering again was quite amusing I have to say. :lol:


:lol: Cant believe Ive completely missed that thread.


Btw, asian loony? Really? :lol: New found respect for Dr Gloom :up:

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Devastated by this news. Jon and me got on really well, we shared the same sense of humour and had a few things in common which we always joked about. He will be sorely missed on the forums and by all the people who became good friends with him. My thought are with his family who must be going through hell. 31 years old is too young.


He was a very funny lad online and in person. Met him quite a few times on the piss-ups with NO and he was in fact in attendance at the famous PapaLazaru Pissgate episode. A truly lovely bloke who was always happy to lend a supportive word to people and to his credit, could always find a bog when needing a piss.

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Aye. Good old days. I've never even posted that much but I remember how delighted I was to initially discover other NUFC fans on the internet :D Always have time for people from those days. Except for Gemmil of course who was rude and chased me off iirc. :whistling:


Good on Cat for getting people's message across.



:lol: Cant believe Ive completely missed that thread.


Btw, asian loony? Really? :lol: New found respect for Dr Gloom :up:

iirc, you were dishing out advice on how best to support the team whilst in the ground - I stand by my comments. :razz:

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jesus, what a tragedy.


he's one of the names i remember being a regular on here from when i first started posting over a decade ago.


just came across as a really sound lad. big football fan, we used to share some training chat too.


poor guy. poor family. 31 isn't even half a lifetime, no age at all like.


respect to see all the old timers who just lurk these days coming out to pay their respects too. shows how well thought of he was.



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Just to update you all - the fund is at £570. I've got a card and have been looking at flowers but wondered if you'd prefer it if I could get an NUFC wreath (the letters made of flowers) or you can also get a football or football shirt wreath too. Thoughts?

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Awful news this, I assumed it had been a birthday thread as well. Didn't know the lad personally but he come across as a good bloke on here, thoughts are with his family.

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Devastated by this news. Jon and me got on really well, we shared the same sense of humour and had a few things in common which we always joked about. He will be sorely missed on the forums and by all the people who became good friends with him. My thought are with his family who must be going through hell. 31 years old is too young.


He was a very funny lad online and in person. Met him quite a few times on the piss-ups with NO and he was in fact in attendance at the famous PapaLazaru Pissgate episode. A truly lovely bloke who was always happy to lend a supportive word to people and to his credit, could always find a bog when needing a piss.

Jesus that brings back random memories :lol:


Had to go and read the thread in Gold after being reminded of that gem.

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:lol: must go look at it, remember reading it for the first time in work ages ago and choking on coffee at the opening gambit along the lines of "you trampy metal loving filthy smelly bastard"


also the stalking the conmen in a video shop thread was a cracker

That was a beauty. Was it peasepud doing the stalking? Great great times.

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Haven't been on my computer for a while since I accidentally pressed the overwrite key in 2012, but got this awful news from Cath and (like so many others, clearly) felt compelled to come on and express my sadness. I met Jon a couple of times in real life and enjoyed many hours of his stuff online. A lovely bloke and a great poster.


Typically lovely and appropriate thought with the tribute Cath-I would be very happy indeed to contribute.


Condolences to his family.



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Fuck, I thought this was just a birthday thread. He was always a good laugh way back on the older boards, he started to drift away from this place but would always pop back now and again. Seemed daft as a brush but harmless with it. Such a shame.

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I emailed the lads at NUFC.COM - they've put a tribute to Jon on their site. Thanks to Niall and Biffa - I'm sure his family will be really touched.



Edited by Craig
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