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  2. "He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked that question."
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  4. https://x.com/7veritas4/status/1799952335273103474?s=12&t=7EP1snWKh3ho3iDGAoo5gw
  5. I'm in the same Myers Briggs pot as the Unabomber. The isolation would be a net positive for me, I wouldn't be remotely concerned about that.
  6. Definitely seems like one for the future / cover for injury / and playing in cup games to give Pope a rest. Since the site has been on the blink in the past week, I've been on Twitter looking through the #NUFC tag on a few occasions (not recommended) and there seems to be a real level of stupidity there, with one particular highlight being an idiot calling for Howe to be fired because of our transfer dealings so far this window. For me, this seems like a good signing. What is he? 21 or 22? And already in and around the international squad with a full season of PL experience under his belt already. If things go well, he could conceivably be our keeper for the next 15 years. He appears to be comfortable with the ball at his feet, coming from the City system & playing under Kompany. So that seems crucial in that he is style of keeper we need. We could possibly have England's future GK, LB & RB in the squad now in the three youngsters we've signed. That's amazing business to get done so early in our development and it certainly continues to show a level of patience and future planning that holds us in good stead. I'm excited by what this signing represents and promises long-term and not so much by what it offers in the immediate or short term. And we're after medium- to long-term plans in the goalkeeping department as far as I'm concerned because Pope is a great keeper. Replacing him with better immediately would be prohibitively expensive in my opinion so much so that it simply isn't worth it to try and upgrade Pope when there are other way more important positions in the starting XI to address -- obviously RW being the most important. This transfer ticks all the boxes for me. On other transfers, I'm really hoping that Minteh doesn't get sold. And selling him to a rival PL club should be completely out of the question. He seems to have real potential. Of course, he may have been purchased with an eye for a future sale in mind, but if he's outperformed expectations, which you'd have to suggest he has done, then there's no reason to sell him in order to facilitate the purchase of a 100m player if he's barely a season or two off maybe being one himself (which appears at least possible at this stage). By the way, thank god, the site is fixed. I don't think I could take much more of the idiocy over on twitter.
  7. Trafford isn't going to be number one, is he? This is one for the future, I assume. But what do I know?
  8. Yesterday
  9. That doesn't matter, they've proven two things many times over: 1. They already have more than enough money 2. Adherence to rules is not a primary concern for them It's curious how high a priority GK is for us. Dubravka definitely cost us in several games (he did have a couple of games where he was incredibly good also). Pope does have errors in him, and some deficiencies that he has been working on, are these moves to potentially drop him down to second choice?
  10. He’s not even predicted to win the formerly safe seat he’s been parachuted into.
  11. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1799915330459877639
  12. Looks like my 85 year old mother in law (sorry for the the late quote but what the fuck happenend to the site for a fucking week??)
  13. See I think it would be the complete opposite, wake up with no pressures, decide ah I’m going to (random diy task) today. Feed the animals, walk the dogs etc. Loads of ways to fill the time. Then become an alcoholic
  14. And working in a fucking hard hard industry.
  15. I reckon it would be good for a bit then would be dead boring. I’m sort of dreading retirement for this reason. I’m going to have to take up golf or something or become a raging alcoholic
  16. A lot. But then I love been out in the countryside. A mate who's worked in engineering all his professional life moved to Hong Kong in '18 made a fuck load of brass, came back last year and did exactly what you said. He couldn't be happier.
  17. it’d be great if they did come in that flavour.
  18. I think most people our age have that fantasy. Largely because you're young enough to remember what it was like to live without responsibilities, and not old enough to be mortgage and kid free (and live largely without responsibilities). It's probably not all it's cracked up to be though. It would be nice for a few weeks, but people are social creatures by nature. There's a reason farmers have a higher suicide rate than most (and living in isolated rural areas is a contributing factor)
  19. Fuck Off you raspberry flavoured Cunt
  20. Longer thread on Macron's calculation:
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