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  2. https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1796842982190006302 Tosin off to Chelsea. Disappointing given Lloyd Kelly has a worse injury record than Wilson
  3. Today
  4. I'm starting my new job on Wednesday and I'm feeling strangely down about it. I'm not even sure it's nerves that much? I'm fixating a bit on the permanent Sundays but I don't know. Maybe I've become too used to being off and the missus condition is just getting worse mobility wise. Am I just being lazy?
  5. By full, you mean 6 on each hand and foot? The lad who loaded me , I don’t think it was his day for the community teeth, either.
  6. The same Italian journalist who was one of the first to confirm Botman signing has said that Kelly is done and dusted to be signed on a three year deal when the window opens.
  7. Wisbech! Did you see anyone with a full set of fingers, toes and teeth?
  8. Tories supposedly plotting inheritance tax cut and trying to get a Rwanda flight away before the election to try and sway the polls, the fucking hopeless twats.
  9. I know. Wasn't sure if he was talking a stain or former NUFC and Everton (?) player Sylvain Distin instead?
  10. “ Distain” - as in “ What’s distain on me shellsuit, la?”
  11. You know when your armpit hair sometimes gets itself knotted and when you lift your arms up it tears itself out, making you squeal a bit? I hope that happens to Kuenssberg’s tatty minge every two hours.
  12. Well said mate. Thankfully, a lot of folks are changing their thinking and it’s easier now , I find, to be open about mental health. I had a bad run-in with depression towards the end of lockdown, when a combination of several negative things got the better of me. I’m very lucky in that my lass has very good mental health training through her job, and we got sorted, but fuck me, it’s a horrible experience- the way it manifested in me was a total lack of emotions or feelings- no joy, no sadness, nothing. Thankfully, I’m just about back on top now. I’m a long drive home from finishing my first 4 days as a Class 1 artic driver. Started Wednesday at 6:30pm, drove down to near Dartford, dropped a trailer load, then head down for 9 hrs in the cab from 7:00am on Thursday. Picked a load up in Wisbech Thursday evening, brought back up north, head down for another 9hrs at home Friday morning, back in at 7:00pm yesterday drove down to Dartford, unloaded, and I’ve just picked up 25 tons of paper from near Sittingbourne. I’m now parked up, having a brew and a croissant then I’m having 9hrs off, driving back up north, timing it so I get back at 5 or 6:00 am tomorrow. ( I’ll find somewhere in Wykiki’s home county to dump the prozzies parts, so that’ll waste a bit time ). Then I’m off until Thursday.
  13. Definitely getting my moneys worth from The Athletic.
  14. No you're wrong, the polls haven't had time to catch up yet.....
  15. Fish’s performance begs the question - what do they know of football, who only football know?
  16. 'ah was walking down Madison, (ah swear ah never had a gun) and ah saw a ninetayn ninetey Marco lads shirt. I shouted over 'Gerrin! FTM!' and the new yorka turned around and said, 'hey man, I hate the mags toooo but I loved the Netflix Sunderland till I die show, I watched all the seasons and bought this shirt on eBay, buddy." Then a cop on a horse who overheard clapped and give us a backa on his horse back to my hotel like Crocodile Dundee and we passed maceys and al that and a cafe where a lush lass was fayaking an orgasm or she'd seen my lads top, hard to tell, marra.'
  17. The equally funny alternative version of these fables is when someone is wearing a Sunderland top at JFK Airport/the Pyramids of Giza/Hanging Gardens of Babylon and they are accosted by people who tell them they saw STID and are now MLFs. Which is, of course, completely different because they are MASSIVE
  18. Like how he’s just heard “6th Avenue” in a film or something and decided to set his tall tale there
  19. They were headed to Backworth Club at the time.
  20. Nah, troo story marra. He even has the photo to prove it.
  21. i think the bloke in the green away kit just needs to thank his lucky stars he wasn't in rome and new york is lacking in replica gladiator swords.
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