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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. If they're willing to call me young, I'm willing to forgive them anything
  2. The butthurt comments from Liverpool fans under that piece are all hilarious, but my favourite is the one who quotes the Niemöller "First they came for the Communists..." speech in its entirety. A simply breathtaking lack of self-awareness.
  3. Too snobby, too perpetual, too liable to call you a cunt
  4. May I take this opportunity to extend my own 12" welcome to all our new arrivals.
  5. Good to know they don't think poorly of all 11 million private renters in the UK, just most of us...
  6. Wahey, another imaginary culture war issue that the Tories will be fighting the next election on! I am so fucking sick of these wankstains and what they're doing to the country. It's a targeted attack on informed debate and rational thinking, it's straight out of the Trump playbook and it's depressing how often it works.
  7. Only if it doesn't have any sleepers.
  8. That was just him trying to pronounce Šitarųs Bičiautas, the Lithuanian representative at Eurovision 1998.
  9. The universe has clearly seen your RTG posts and decided you have far too much time on your hands. Congratulations! 💞
  10. I see our prime minister has been getting the compliant right-wing media to salute him for scrapping "woke" green policies that weren't policies in the first place. Normal country remains normal.
  11. My ice hockey knowledge starts and ends with the mighty HILTON RUGGLES
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