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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Did the two countries having different names not give him a clue?
  2. Imagine what they’re like when the press aren’t there
  3. That said, I need a shite.
  4. Purely on gut feeling, I think he’ll stay another year. But I also think we’ll spend in excess of £200m on squad improvements this summer (and also have Tonali back) if he does go. PSG would be much better than seeing him line up against us in the league as well
  5. If you’d set off back then you could’ve been on the moon by now. Makes you think
  6. If you read the caption too you’ll see the link between the Tories and the Greater Manchester Police chief is dodgy as fuck: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Jq3IjrM4f/ Also they apparently assigned TWELVE officers to the investigation. As Renton has previously said, if that’s all they’ve got, then they are absolutely fucked
  7. What he lacks in height, he makes up for in radge
  8. One of the best central defenders to have ever played the game. For Sunderland in the 60s
  9. Aye, absolutely beautiful to see the wheels come flying off the Klopp farewell tour bus.
  10. Before they drew the lines you knew they were going to give it tbh
  11. He was caught out by it being such a rare instance of self deprecation 👍🏻
  12. What was the way they behaved over Lingard then? Which was worse because they didn’t even want him or were giving him a game and he was out of contract at the end of that season.
  13. I reckon playing with just 9 players will cost them over the course of the match
  14. I love it when they put on their social media how long they’ve been a season ticket holder btw. Totally oblivious to how it only impresses those equally tragic
  15. Difficult to see how Man Utd, Ratcliffe, Brailsford or, indeed, Ashworth could’ve handled this more clumsily. It’ll be amusing to see them try and negotiate transfers etc like this. Also, Ashworth could have knackered his career. Man Utd can’t afford to wait around for ever, I can’t see us budging and it’ll be difficult for other clubs to trust him to hang around long enough to see tangible results. Other clubs will no doubt show an interest but there won’t be many opportunities like the one he had here if Man Utd don’t get him
  16. Looks pink to me. Have they gone woke or something?
  17. Do you know that the Too-wit / too-woo call is that of the tawny owl. I occasionally hear them and (very rarely) see them out the back of mine. But the former is actually a male call and the latter is a female’s response. Anyway there were these two blokes in a village in Devon several years back that started making the calls (using a bird whistle or something). But, unbeknown to them, they were calling to each other, not another owl. It went on for ages and it was only due to a random conversation between the two fella’s wives that they discovered the truth.
  18. Heard him do it a few times on Motd
  19. I’m not too fond of Shearer doing it either
  20. Well I think there’s only a couple of you who post regularly. So I’d place you somewhere in the top 5
  21. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/crystal-palace-rename-arthur-wait-stand-to-the-jamal-khashoggi-stand-for-wednesday’s-fixture.1632140/
  22. Ciao Rio, As you know, many have tried interpreting Allegri. Some cited existing philosophical works such as Bordiga, Hegel and Plato. The former saw Allegri as the progenitor of a spontaneous revolution, his football being so boring it had deep ideological significance. They viewed his football as the cry of discontentedness with the neoliberal consensus, and a legitimate philosophical work in it’s own right. The modern Hegelians saw Allegrismo as the dialectical synthesis between two states of being, that of anguish and that of ennui. Those using the works of Plato are conflicted on whether to see Allegriball as a concrete object, real and tangible, while all consider the feelings the games elicit to be abstract. Others saw it as post-modern performance art and tried to categorise it as the intended catalyst of a yet to materialise Neo-Fluxus movement. Alas, others even ascribed it a theological value, arguing for the canonisation of Allegri and compared our pain watching to the pain our lord felt on the cross. A contingent of these worshippers split recently and alleged Allegri was inherently heretical, no mortal man had ever suffered like Jesus did until we watched the Sampdoria game. The truth is, Allegriball defies what the human mind is capable of interpreting. Do you suppose we can only bask in its majesty?
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