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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Almost every time I’ve been to Kings X, which is a lot of times, there’s been a bloke with a broad Glaswegian accent on the PA doing announcements. It’s not even the same fella, as I can even remember this happening decades ago. They simply have to be taking the piss, given how many of those listening will be struggling to understand what he’s saying
  2. I mean he’s basically done two things here: realised being a cunt is more lucrative than being a woke / sensitive / modern man. And also realised he’s much more suited to the former
  3. At least it’ll have made Craig Hope’s day
  4. Not sure what’s funnier. That or the match ending up 1-1
  5. Look, he may not have studied Das Kapital. But there were at least a couple of Marx quotes in that calendar he got for Xmas. Around the time he started wearing horn-rimmed specs with plain glass in the lens
  6. Hopefully, for her sake
  7. Having said, that they lost on pens so:
  8. Looks like someone trying to remember how to smile
  9. There’s a party utterly bereft of anything remotely approaching talent. And then there’s this. What do we reckon will come first? A general election or him being suspended then defecting to Reform?
  10. Both predicted to lose their seat at the GE too. Purely by coincidence
  11. You mean like (the recently promoted) Major General Sir Nils Olav III?
  12. That’s absolutely awful. Lucky it was the middle of the night and not a busier time
  13. I don’t know about that. But I think she repaid Ashley the buyer’s loan. Wasn’t there a story that the Reuben’s had bought some of her stake in the club?
  14. Wow! I remember reading several years back that it’s still a fairly regular occurrence for remains to be unearthed by accident on Belgium. By farmers ploughing fields and that sort of thing
  15. He’s gone from being a Labour councillor to a Reform UK MP (via the Tories) in the space of 6 years. Tells you all about his principles (or lack thereof)
  16. Thinking was Lee’s first mistake there
  17. The litter where I live is a fucking disgrace like. The only people who ever seem to do anything about now are volunteers as well
  18. Cheers! Been to 7 and haven’t heard of about 4 of them
  19. Spent 3 nights in Venice a few years back. Like you say it’s easy to get away from the ridiculously expensive places around San Marco. We found a little wine bar locals went in about 5 mins from there that was really inexpensive. Same with places to eat if you’re prepare to walk another 5 to 10 mins. I got sone great photos thanks to my habit of getting up at ridiculous o’clock when staying in unfamiliar places. And like you allude to, the architecture is like nowhere else
  20. What’s the full list for us non-Xers? TIA
  21. Chilwell presumably gets in due to playing for Chelsea. I wasn’t sure what the plaudits for his performance were all about either. He just kept bombing on and leaving Maguire exposed, without creating anything of note in an attacking sense.
  22. I watched Top Gun: Maverick after the football on channel 4. That was nominated for the best picture Oscar? I liked the original as a kid but the only reason I watched the whole thing is because I couldn’t quite believe what a fucking cheesy pile of shite was unfurling in front of my eyes. It’s fucking ridiculous. Maybe even more so than the original
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