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Everything posted by Alex

  1. It says British but we really know it’s for southern softies
  2. Forgot about that. Basically ripping off Top Gun iirc. Although Top Gun ripped off quite a lot of The Right Stuff
  3. I don’t see why we can’t combine them
  4. Well, I’ll explain. The Catholic Church deemed all sorts of different things to not be meat that was meat. As you're not supposed to eat meat during Lent. So if you lived on whichever remote Scottish archipelago it was (can’t remember off the top of my head) puffin formed a large part of the diet at this time of year. So, instead of people starving, puffin was counted as ‘fish’, not meat. The link here is you eat fish on Good Friday and Renton tried puffin on holiday (Iceland? Norway?) once. I think. If that didn’t need an explanation then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD, please
  5. No doubt you’ll have been on the deep fried puffin. There’s two references there and I think you’re the only one who’d get one of them
  6. Aye. Firmly in “I’d rather poke mesel in the eye with a shitty stick” territory
  7. Some channel is bound to be showing The Greatest Story Ever Told. They better start it now if they want it to be finished by Easter Sunday
  8. Andros Townsend was on about it the other day re: the points stuff. I.e. the unfairness of Everton being docked points, then having that revised on appeal. Then Forest being docked and the same possibly happening with their appeal. And how other clubs don’t know where they stand. Obviously he has a vested interest but he’s got a point too
  9. Howe at long last looking to sort out the defensive midfielder and left back problems
  10. It would be mad enough anyway but that’s obviously direct trains on the line that connects the English and Scottish capital cities
  11. I reckon he’ll get done for breach of contract if there’s another ban on top of the current one. Hopefully the FA will see sense and any additional ban would be considered unduly harsh. I won’t hold by breath though. It would also be a harsh move by the club but they’d probably not really see any other option thanks to FFP rules. And if all that were to happen then I think his whole career would be in jeopardy. It would be a terrible way to treat an addict imo. I’m not just saying that because he’s our player. As I tend to agree he’s not that likely to make it here either way
  12. That and his party has a large working majority. Not to mention being the largest party in the Lords. He’s thick as pig’s shit as well, which doesn’t help
  13. Didn’t realise you worked for the mail. My condolences
  14. I like how she’ll have said that whilst knowing it was absolutely untrue and the Mail printed it anyway. Almost certainly also knowing it was bollocks. The UK press in a nutshell
  15. Yeah, I thought it was odd that it didn’t have those (which was mentioned when the accident was first reported). Even the Gateshead Millennium Bridge has them. Them was some minor controversy about if spoiling the aesthetics at the time, as some people deemed it overkill. When you consider it was deemed necessary there, you’d think it would be in place for a bridge carrying traffic over such a busy waterway / port of that size. Probably missed out the original design and thought too expensive to put right in the age of massive container ships. Fucking mental in retrospect
  16. Lozza having a completely normal one again I see (apparently this was deleted pretty sharpish)
  17. I thought this was quite interesting: https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/blogs/ec_heterodox_20240102.html
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