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Everything posted by MMXXVIII

  1. Tbf we're more clandestine nowadays. CCP psychological. Infiltrating and weakening over time. It's why I've been shoving my spunk down an Easington bitch's throat for months. Anyone else doing their part?
  2. I feel like he went home tonight 'black as the ace of spades' and his mam went radge.
  3. Makes sense. You'd want to limit a recovering gambling addict's inside info.
  4. Apparently there are free buses to this and you'll only get your ticket once on one. So how are we meant to kick their heads in before kick off? They've not thought this through at all. Farce.
  5. When I was a bairn I heard tales of old cunts going to both depending on who was at home. I think humans can't function without challenges and post WW2 they were provided without effort so tribalism prevailed and we pretended to like them. However, that accent would have been accepted through gritted teeth and I can't have their annoyance going unrevenged whilst we enjoy the pleasures of sleeping with their women in Easington twice a month, sometimes three or one. I'm well up for it already. Lucky bewer.
  6. You cannot measure special relationships - they transcend the physical.
  7. Is that bastard Shola still stealing a living from us using a title that alleges he's involved in this shit?
  8. Corruption only exists at SJP as the geopolitical experts in South Hylton know, er, full well.
  9. Logic always dictated resting selective players here, we were getting beaten whoever we fielded and we all know it. I'm starting to want to finish 8th because I think we could win it next season if we do.
  10. I'd guess most on here fancied Villa to challenge for top 4 before the season started. Arsenal would have scored from a few of their situations tonight normally, though. We limited them to pretty much fuck all in our 1-0 win with a dozen missing. And the 5-1 against Villa could have been 7-1 quite easily.
  11. Never given a fuck about Villa really but at least they've taken the baton from us with the VAR thing.
  12. Aye I mean the thinly-veiled sexism is never going to stand up to scrutiny really. Why I don't like hearing them is the ill-fitting pitch and tone. And I'm sexist.
  13. Aye. Even if she didn't grass to the coppers.
  14. He'd be mental to go there - the most he could achieve is what they've done before and not that long ago.
  15. Should keep them both at the club for a little while yet. They can win it every month for me.
  16. Can't see us getting anything here judging by how tired our 11 looked last night, so logic would dictate that Howe will rest the main players and accept that defeat is highly likely no matter who he picks. Therefore, I'm going for a full strength line-up and a 2-0 win to the hardest in England.
  17. I read somewhere he took them to The Hoppings wearing a disguise. I immediately imagined a fusion between Groucho Marx and Inspector Gadget having a whispered 'discussion' about what they call darts.
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