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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Bloke walks into Glasgow Bakers " Is that a cream bun or a meringue?" Wifey says " No, yer right, it's a cream bun" Outdoor overgarment firmly got
  2. lol if only, could ya imagine dennis trying to get one over on ketsbia, he'd be tied to an ad board within seconds for a good kicking Best wishes ,health -wise, to JFK. Come on gents, bit naughty wishing ill on the owld bugger*. As i write we've just kicked off 2nd half 3-1 up * Yes,I know i said i hoped Insomnia broke his feckin leg a few days ago- totally different
  3. "Sorry I was wrong and a cunt. I'm fucking off, here have the club and let it be run by a supporter elected committee. Oh and Lonsdale is shite." Dream on dreamer
  4. Aye, they didn't say which window did they? Tbh. What can he say that'll make us happy?
  5. Where's the Statement that was punted around by Ashley. Didn't he say he would be speaking at the end of the window?
  6. I can see that going down like a turd in a swimming pool. Snappy tho
  7. Many a raid launched thru there. Happy days. equally , ran like a basser back thru it to safe ground many a time, Burradon Bamps in hot pursuit BAB I was never into that sort of thing much like. Apart from the running away from the big kids bit The alliances were fucking hilarious like. Iirc KAB were hand in glove with LBAB. Burradon, Annitsford and Dudley were all on the same side. All allied against Shiremoor.
  8. Many a raid launched thru there. Happy days. equally , ran like a basser back thru it to safe ground many a time, Burradon Bamps in hot pursuit
  9. Tell anyone and i'll have to chin you under the subway. Next to Bailey Green school? see you there 5o'clock. Nee steel cappers, sticks, or itchy backs.
  10. Tell anyone and i'll have to chin you under the subway.
  11. " So Andy, I see your pace is a bit short, I find Pies help" "Er, Mark, I'm getting caught on the ball to often for my liking, any ideas?" " Cheese & Onion Pasties mate, they'll sort ya" "Any tips on beating Offside traps mark?" " Doughnuts, Mince Pies, Stotties, Steak slice, ..................................................................
  12. If, and it's a huuuuge if, we do survive, I would love to be at the party LardAsh throws in way of celebration - it will be one hell of a bash! The 'bids' you refer to - I'll take it that these will be 'serious' bids. And finally, divvent upset G'Lad or us in the WBAB will have to 'sort it'. WBAB? Pardon my ignorance. God, you have just asked a question that makes me, and hundreds of other posters on here, feel very, very old. WBAB stands for Whitley Bay Aggro Boys and '.....AB' eg LBAB (Longbenton Aggro Boys) was a common term in days of yore. Maybe it's a good thing that the young kids aren't familiar with the term. LMFAO no disrespect mate but if i was part of a gang called that id expect a fucking hiding for being part of something that sounded so stupid.....how about BBB (Blyth beastie boys) It was all the rage in the 70s Red Docs, yellow laces, bags with a four button waist band. Sex Pistols NF ACAB LBAB you just don't get that graffiti any more. It's all tags these days. Miss out KAB and you'll get feckin Laced mind!
  13. If, and it's a huuuuge if, we do survive, I would love to be at the party LardAsh throws in way of celebration - it will be one hell of a bash! The 'bids' you refer to - I'll take it that these will be 'serious' bids. And finally, divvent upset G'Lad or us in the WBAB will have to 'sort it'. WBAB? Pardon my ignorance. God, you have just asked a question that makes me, and hundreds of other posters on here, feel very, very old. WBAB stands for Whitley Bay Aggro Boys and '.....AB' eg LBAB (Longbenton Aggro Boys) was a common term in days of yore. Maybe it's a good thing that the young kids aren't familiar with the term. LMFAO no disrespect mate but if i was part of a gang called that id expect a fucking hiding for being part of something that sounded so stupid.....how about BBB (Blyth beastie boys) It was all the rage in the 70s Red Docs, yellow laces, bags with a four button waist band.
  14. He most prob will TBH finish his career in the A league Do they have Greggs in Oz, tho but?
  15. Did you not know...? he's worth a million in prizes. I just wanna , lower your premium..
  16. This gets my vote- perhaps someone more savvy than me could try Putting Shearers face on it(keeping the tache of course). This (yellow)would stand out at the match, and doesn't look to bad at all.
  17. Whist the optimism in your OP is admirable Geordie Lad, I have to agree with Snake on this. I can't presently see the Fat One spending any "uneccessary" (sp) bucks from what he may have clawed back this window. Nothing he has done over the last year or so would lead me to believe he would spend the amounts you mention, even if it was "available"
  18. Ron Asheton dies,Iggy sells out, sheeit, bad start to 09. Stooges do eurovision in 2010 anyone?
  19. temporary relief assistant.
  20. If that story is true, I'm shaking my head. That is the sort of thing the cowardly dippers would do. If they were 10 or 20 of Man Utd's firm I'd have liked to see them do that. Think you're getting the gist wrong there mate.There was no malice or bad blood in it. the mancs were laughing too tbf.
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