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  1. Past hour
  2. No you're wrong, the polls haven't had time to catch up yet.....
  3. Fish’s performance begs the question - what do they know of football, who only football know?
  4. 'ah was walking down Madison, (ah swear ah never had a gun) and ah saw a ninetayn ninetey Marco lads shirt. I shouted over 'Gerrin! FTM!' and the new yorka turned around and said, 'hey man, I hate the mags toooo but I loved the Netflix Sunderland till I die show, I watched all the seasons and bought this shirt on eBay, buddy." Then a cop on a horse who overheard clapped and give us a backa on his horse back to my hotel like Crocodile Dundee and we passed maceys and al that and a cafe where a lush lass was fayaking an orgasm or she'd seen my lads top, hard to tell, marra.'
  5. Today
  6. The equally funny alternative version of these fables is when someone is wearing a Sunderland top at JFK Airport/the Pyramids of Giza/Hanging Gardens of Babylon and they are accosted by people who tell them they saw STID and are now MLFs. Which is, of course, completely different because they are MASSIVE
  7. Like how he’s just heard “6th Avenue” in a film or something and decided to set his tall tale there
  8. They were headed to Backworth Club at the time.
  9. Nah, troo story marra. He even has the photo to prove it.
  10. i think the bloke in the green away kit just needs to thank his lucky stars he wasn't in rome and new york is lacking in replica gladiator swords.
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  12. “have you not got any other clothes?” ”no doubt had the black and white kit with him also” basically answered his own question there. No wonder the Mag didn’t answer him.
  13. Yesterday
  14. I know Newcastle fans in New York & there’s also a fan club in New York. Although that story is made up.
  15. I'm guessing certain people aren't happy with what Pickford said either. Friendship ended?
  16. He failed to actually vomit on the bus? Even on the twisty bits just north of Leeds early on a Friday morning? That's disgraceful. I once vomited on the metro in Paris and 20 odd years later it's still one of my fondest memories.
  17. It’s the details in these flights of fantasy that get me. “6th avenue” Do these cunts carry around a note pad
  18. "He turned and looked but said nothing." These mags always saying fuck all when pulled, looking embarrassed or looking down at their feet The story's may get tweaked but the patter remains the same.
  19. The fact he hasn’t clocked he’s the prick in his made up story makes it even funnier. Why feel the need to prove how much of a mackem you are thousands of miles away from where anyone gives a fuck
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