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  1. Past hour
  2. By the way did the cheap skate cunts run out of new red seats for the MLFs to fit and just let the pink ones in the corner finish fading?
  3. It's cold and the wedding seeyason marra. FTM. etc
  4. Today
  5. 😂 Best fans in the world marra
  6. Galloway struggling to understand the definition of "clipping" a video
  7. I've finished it now, you fucking PLUMS!
  8. The Von Erichs. It’s a proper miserable story. The dark side of the ring episode on it by Vice is fucking brutal.
  9. The bit where his racing pigeons die broke my heart.
  10. Spot on that. To paraphrase Harold Macmillan - you’ve never had it so bad
  11. It’s funny because despite his anti-establishment schtick, I can’t think of a more egotistical, self-serving grifter
  12. Aye, what an utterly pathetic cunt Drury is.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/05/rishi-sunak-tories-local-elections-thurrock-tory-council Really good.
  14. You sound more pissed off about missing the goals than the fact your wife is leaving you.
  15. Actually it's 8 goals it's 4-4 😂
  16. Just missed the two spurs goals as the missus shouted me through again as she's packing stuff. I'm not bothered but missing all six goals in a game you're watching is some going, mind. I'm even impressed with myself, tbh.
  17. Even by my standards I've played a blinder here. Got the game on and managed to miss all four (4) goals. I wonder if there'll be the same grave looks, hand wringing, post mortem about how bad spurs were with no real mention or praise of the team that beat them by four goals (if they don't score more?) I'm going to saaaayyyyy..... Nah.
  18. canny goal by the bindipping cunt. however, what the fuck is 'frame it and stick it on the mantlepiece of your life' all about?
  19. When Bleasdale wrote that scene it was Keegan who was the Liverpool player. He left in 1977 so the player and the dialogue was changed. Fuckin class all the same
  20. More of this with all of them. Homophobes, racists, get them on live and force them to explain themselves.
  21. That scene with Souness genuinely funny and threatening and sad and pathetic all at the same time
  22. RIP. Who can forget when he planted the flag in Fenerbace’s centre spot?
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