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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Now that it's in the open, will Ashley distance himself from Llambias? It had been reported that he was going to replace him, or is it more likely that Llambias is just the monkey to Ashleys organ grinder. I'd say the latter.
  2. Are they having a laugh?! Which one's Brian McNally? Cunt Are they having a laugh?! Which one's Brian McNally? Cunt make that fat cunt Make that a fat mackem cunt. He's a 'celtic' fan from Seaham/Seaburn, (can't remember which one). Used to cover SAFC. Lets see how the rest of the media react, if there's nothing more than sensationalism regarding KK's award or £25M 'claim' then they are truly the biggest set of anti-NUFC wankers around, (Outside of FCB).
  3. It's not television, but one of the worst commentators ever was metro radios charles harrison. He had a plummy accent, never got that exited when we scored and for the listener at home, desperately trying to work out what was happening at our game he was the original terry fuckwit. He was literally senseless.
  4. Was that the game where Lee Dixon kicked the shit out of Ginola and Gerald fucking Ashby (hopefully stoking the fires with Moore) gave Ginola no protection at all? IIRC the minute Ginola decided enough was enough and retaliated, he was sent off. Yeah - I was at the game but made the mistake of watching a tape of it - I couldn't believe the commentary. The so called ref was Gerald Ashby and he is also dead - call me a bastard but my reaction to the that particular news was "good". I was at that game too. To this day, every time I see Dixon I want to knock his fucking teeth out. CUNT! Never heard the commentary obviously but so many of them get on my tits anyway. Martin Tyler always uses bollocks like "a goal of prestigious proportions." which he thinks makes him sound like the Shakespear of commentators instead of a knob that he really is. For me, Barry Davies was the best commentator on football, knew when words weren't important, i.e, didn't babble shite about nothing in particular just for the sake of it, theres a goal that Supermac scores at Bolton where Davies describes it as "typical, typical Newcastle goal" which just sounds great. Agree with others about Ian Darke. I wish they'd get rid of the co-commentator as well, they end up agreeing with each other and egging each other on and unbelievably, some people take their word as gospel.
  5. He might be singing 'The Sash'. (Well, he is an 'orange' man, after all......)
  6. He's looking at Big Sam in the stand singing; "....Did you ever know that you're my hero, and everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings." Bless.
  7. Hallelulagh! We might be better than Bolton, etc!
  8. Do you know the way to San Jose? Div 2?
  9. Kevin Nolan! Kevin Dillon with added goals!
  10. Every job I've ever had has had back stabbing wanks mate. Women are probably worse than blokes, but blokes are more like women as every that passes. Only site lads where you're out having a laugh with working men do you avoid it. It's the way of the world. In London money is the be all and end all, it really, really is. If I was making 40k a year which I'm certainly not, I'd be happy, I'm not greedy, but some of them who work fruitful southern markets can earn 70k and they're still not happy, and would sell their granny to make more money. I always thought you were early 40's? I'm only 31 mate. 36!
  11. Othello? The Mousetrap? Death of a Salesman? ?? Video screens at football grounds = shit. No, SHIT imho. I second that emotion.
  12. We have to do security checks on people though You could probably get a top end job in IT on a ridiculously high salary, but it's construction I'm in. As for Paddock Lad and Howmanheyman, you are showing blatant ignorance again towards my profession. Maybe every consultancy around the country should close, because we're all arrogant fuckwits who have dealt with you poorly. I shouldn't have mentioned you just being a sparky, because it's a good job, and the country wouldn't work without you. I've read the rest of my post back, and all I have done is defend what I do, and now I'm the cunt who's all uppity, both of yous should have a word with yourselves and think before you post. You're two old cunts but I have nothing against you. Paddock Lad if you worked for SMH and LS I will know loads of people you worked with. Two huge companies, but SMH are really struggling at the minute, especially in Scotland. Get yourself in to Crown House they are the Man Utd of M&E and they're recruiting after christmas, I know that for a fact. Stevie, you might have the world on your shoulders such is the sweating you may do on various deals etc, I'm really not that bothered, also, if you only deal with headhunting clients who are high fliers then fair enough, I suppose in your case if the cap doesn't fit don't wear it. I generally have a problem with the easy ride companies get over the casualisation of the British workforce and I suppose employment agencies are just one of the symptoms and not the cause. I probably jumped in when I saw the put down of a 'mere' sparky. Fair enough, Stevie, you've kind of apoligised for that, and I've nothing against you either as you usually aren't a million miles away from most of my own views on NUFC. I have to say, by your own admission yours is a cut-throat world where even your colleagues are trying to shaft you, well, enjoy working with a bunch of slippery, back stabbing wankers, mate. I don't envy you. P.S. I can't be that much older than you, unless you're a very young Gordon Gecko of the Headhunting world!
  13. Apparently Paddocklad was sacked from a job in the USA when refusing to work on an electric chair in a penitentiary claiming it was a 'death trap'.
  14. Is this a jokes thread? Errm, What's brown and sticky? A stick. Discuss.
  15. He'll be sitting in the Platinum Club next.....if he doesn't already with the rest of his corporate chums. And a message for young Steven....I've been part of the supervisory team on various multi million pound projects for the likes of Spie Matthew Hall and Lorne Stewart, I've seen the corporate management end of this game close up and It's really not for me....too much politics, too many people stabbing each other in the back, too many bullshitting brown noses all sucking the bossses knob....does it sound familiar to you? You're actually spot on in a way....I have the right experiance and know how to be a site engineer at least at my age but I for one can earn a very good wage and come home and switch off in a way that management types never can. Many I know suffer badly from stress, a common complaint as you well know as you were whingeing on about it in a thread a few weeks back. Lack of ambition?...absoloutely, but at least I avoid having to deal with such charming corporate types such as yourself. Fucking Amen to that, brother! The trouble is, whenever you encounter it, there's never a sick bucket around at the time. Typical.
  16. Nerve touched? Recruitment agencies are scum holes. Is that the sound of a nail being hit firmly on the head? to answer Mr Shinton's points... I'm not paid a salary as such, if I work through an agency I get an hourly rate, of which the agency takes a cut. No agency=more money money for myself. I'm 40 in a months time, am a fully qualified electrician and have been in this trade every day of my life since the day I left school. I am more than capable of cutting a deal with any given contractor who may be interested in offering me work. It is the contractors who have gone down this road of putting someone between themselves and tradesmen for a service they could easily do in house. I fully accept that it is easier for them to to contract out recruitment of staff but with the increased "casualisation" of such labour the contractors reap what they sow, with many left in the lurch at the end of jobs with people moving on to the next contract well before they may be laid off from where they are currently working. Solicitors, mechanics and plumbers offer services which the average man in the street generally isn't qualified to do or can only do to a certain extent before professional help is required. Anyone with a titter of wit can cut a deal with a prospective employer, we don't need someone posistioning themselves between us and them and taking a cut for no more than answering the phone all day, talking total bollocks and seemingly posting on here. To call you a total nob based on that last sentence wouldn't even cover it. To be honest I don't deal with your mickey mouse sparkies and plumbers, I deal with much higher level of M&E and Construction Level of staff than that. You have absolutely no idea how difficult the job is. There's so much skill, persistence, intelligence, humour and endeavour required to get you through. The vast majority of people who enter the industry can't hack it as you need to have something about you to succeed. I don't deal with mickey mouse sparkies as I say, a lot of the people who do are mickey mouse consultants working for shit firms like Hays who basically just sling shit and some of it sticks, and they will specialise in temporary staff where they get a % of their weekly wage for however long they are working there. What your high end recruitment consultant gets is a % of the first years annual salary. I'll give you an example of how thick cunts like you will never understand the industry I work in. Maybe once a week I will do a voice canvass which is calling some current clients, or trying to drum up new vacancies where the company require help. As I said I wouldn't even touch SHIT JOBS like electricians because they are ten a penny and only thick cunts would work them. One new bit of business I got was with a company in Scotland, they were looking for a new Managing Director to work out of there London office. Do you think they for one minute could approach their competitors MD's direct???? They need us as much as we need them. Over the next two weeks I travelled to Glasgow, met with the client, agreed an exclusive deal with them which meant nobody else could work the role, we get 22% of the first years annual salary, and fuck me I did some haggling with them, broken down into 33% when we sourced the candidates and whittled down the short list, 33% at interview stage, and 33% on acceptance of the offer. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ANSWERING PHONES TO YOU?? I took them to lunch in a Tapas bar I know in Glasgow, understood every fine aspect of the role they were looking for and believe me they were acutely particular in what they wanted, age wise, personality wise, experience wise, results history wise, it was a real specific person they were looking for. Over the next two weeks I sourced 30 candidates, got their CV's in checked out their backgrounds from around England and in Scotland for the role. Now these are people on £100k a year, you have to understand how to speak with them individually, you can swear on and have a laugh with some, you have to be serious and articulate with others, it's all part of the skill of understanding your candidate. From there from the thirty candidates, I've whittled it down to five, their current salary range is £87k to £134k, and they interview next week at a hotel in Berkshire. They come from all around the country one is a dipper, canny bloke though, one a jock, one from Stannington, and two boys from Kent, and I have had 2 months to drag all that together in total, and we're finally almost at the end. Now believe it or not the above doesn't even begin to cover everything I do. It's a cut throat industry where even your own colleagues will stitch you up and we're in desperate times, but don't talk shit about things you don't know. Companies need us every bit as much as we need them, which is why up to last year, fees were so high, as they're prepared to pay them, they haven't got time to spend months sourcing top end candidates, they need specialists to do it. You do not have a clue what we do, I would guestimate 20% of the people maximum on here could do it, it's a very difficult job, which kicks you in the teeth every week, but can be hugely rewarding to, so I'm not listening to some fuckin sparky talk shit. 40 year old and you're still a fuckin sparky, lack of ambition that, you should be a Project Manager by now, or at the very least a Project Engineer.....and yes I am off work today. Nobhead. Wow! I didn't know you were so important! Here's me thinking employment agencies and companies get the best of both worlds whilst ordinary Joe has to deal with a middle man and can't just deal direct with an employer. Thanks for putting me straight, you're obviously so far up the food chain that you mightn't be aware of the practice of getting some desperate bastard to sign a 'waiver' so he works himself into the ground doing more hours than he needs to by law just to keep himself in a job or until he gets paid off and some other poor sap takes his place, unfortunately, I've had to recently deal with a couple of agencies, funny thing, a lot of them seem extremely arrogant, I've no idea why? There really only should be one employment agency in this country........ The fucking jobcentre! Company A wants someone, let company A advertise in there, and the sooner these companies get fucked for the casualisation of the British workforce, the better. Don't hold your breath though, I'm alright Jack rules the roost in this country in this day and age. All the best, Stevie, from A N other nobhead.
  17. Yes, no doubt it's a load of shite, etc, but how many took a bit of extra interest when they got to the bit about 'virtual sex'?
  18. If KK hadn't have 'spat his dummy out' the first time after our game with Swindon, and called Hall's bluff, we might have been relegated to the 3rd division. What a dummy spitter he is!
  19. Compared to Allardyce, Souness et al? Not really, no. But they went because they were shit, and worth paying off for the good of the football. This way, it's us as a club picking up the bill for a dispute between the fat cunt, the dwarf and the dummy-spitter. £4m send-off for 8 months work is perfectly fine, why continue for as much as you can get if you 'love the club', considering the position it's in? "and the dummy-spitter" Were you around at the time KK pulled us up from the shit as a player or manager? I just can't understand any Mag coming out with that shit who was there then. Wether you think he walked a bit prematurely is one thing, but to call him a dummy spitter? Fucking talksport and the likes of cabbage-head Woolnough really must get into some peoples minds. I'd expect that from brain dead sheep supporting another club.
  20. None really, but I'll give honourable mentions to; Espana: Real Sociedad N Ireland: Glentoran
  21. Did you know that Mel Sterland was an extra on 'The Lord of the Rings' film? He apparently earned himself a bonus for not needing make-up whilst playing an Orc.
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