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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Of course it doesn't matter. Absolutely, if they were white kids then they'd just have been cheeky cunts, but as they were 'Pakis' then they clearly didn't know their place. Ok, I can't speak for Stevie as I don't know him from Adam, but wasn't he merely describing an event that happened at the Baseball Ground? He described the kids involved as Asians. They were as well! Had we been playing a UEFA cup game Marseilles and the same thing happened might he not have described French kids getting chased? Was he (or myself) being racist in mentioning that they happened to be Asian? There's a school of thought that everybody is racist to certain degrees, maybe me and Stevie are on the lower 'subconcious' level. Or maybe we're not racist at all. Neither Stevie or myself mentioned the offensive word 'Pakis', but maybe we meant to, eh? As soon as I looked at the posts after he and I wrote them, I thought, I bet someone mentions the Asian part of it. I suppose its good that people are looking out for racism as it hopefully should be going the distance and doesn't and shouldn't belong in 2009, but it wasn't always so. I think the two of you have overeacted a bit and ewerk has definitely tried to put words where they weren't. By the way, I'm not condoning anyone getting chased, Asian or not. At the time it was funny, at the time nobody got hurt, at the time I was young and drunk, I also saw things that happened which seemed funny through a young lads eyes, such as a Morris Minor getting shaken about and turned on its side at Stanley Park, or someone getting a lass to make up twenty hotdogs/burgers at Elm Park then telling her he didn't want them he merely asked "if she had twenty?" and then pissing himself laughing. Had that happened now I'd have thought they out of order as I've grown up. (But they were funny at the time). I just think the pair of you have got the wrong end of the stick, for what its worth.
  2. My proudest day as a toon fan that. I was only 14, I remember after the game too little things you remember from games, there was a park beside the away end, and these Asian were playing football over this fence, shouting 4-1, all you seen was 5 toon fans hurdle the fence, the asians ran like fuck, leaving their ball and their coats. 30 seconds later 50 yards down the road all you seen were coats and a football flying about in the throng of toon fans. Was good when we beat them 1-2 in the August as well, but they stuck us in that shitey paddock. Franz Carr's best game for the toon that. Well found, Stevie. Thats the first time I've saw those goals apart from being there. Those Asians must have liked a chase, the same thing happened in '88 and I'm pretty sure I saw some in the 2-1 win the year after.
  3. Keegan is a mercenary! My mind has now been changed after reading this insightful article here by Stanley Collymore. He always seems to get it right about NUFC, there's no way he's bitter or anything. Some canny replies I liked too.
  4. I was watching it like, seemed to start from the Bristol City fans on the (front) terrace bit who were over the Toon fans side, and when we started to leave on the stairway nearest to the away fans it just started to kick off. When I went down I walked past the away fans aswell and the police on the 2 horses were getting pretty aggresive for no real reason and got a hold of a couple of people by the neck and slinged them away, (aswell as moving people back). Their fans (and players) were a tad pathetic, seemed like they won a cup final not a point @ SJP... for such a "small club" that we are apparently... PS. They were a canny good set of fans tbh though. I had a look at one of their websites and you'd think they were playing at the San Siro for the first time ever.
  5. I was in my seat to the end and I never saw anything. (Also couldn't believe the amount of people going downstairs ten minutes before half time, I mean seriously, WHATS THE FUCKING POINT OF GOING?!!!) One or two might have been bursting for a piss, but not that many, and this was in level 7, too.
  6. Spent loads of weekends there at my Grannies house in the same estate (the three story houses) they show on the advert when I was a kid. My Aunt still lives there, she's a retired librarian, last I knew she'd take her dog for a walk in Heaton Park wishing other locals a good morning when she passed them (and being greeted back) and I always found it a nice place. Wether she's 'smacking herself up' on the sly is another matter! I must have words the next time I bump into her. I think it's more of a case that the paper is sensationalising Cheryls rise from 'humble' beginnings and they haven't the first fucking clue about Newcastle upon Tyne in general never mind one of it's districts. I wonder how they would describe London to a foreigner?
  7. I was in level 7 and the answer is no. What happened?
  8. Hit the bar, hit the crossbar, keeper pulled off two great saves, ref denied us a blatant penalty, their winger with dreadlocks must have handled the ball at least five times and we didn't once get a free kick, it was a bit unbelievable. We weren't great today, far from it, but we were a lot better than wednesday, things just didn't go our way. At least the sight see-ers were happy, can't remember as many QPR/Bristol City fans making the trek in the old days.
  9. I'd rather watch a bunch of 'Jeremys, Ruperts and Crispens' on university challenge than watch that soccer AM shit. (Their humour is so poor and 'southern' I've been embarrased for them when I've been unlucky enough to have watched it. How they make a living is a fucking mystery to me. Their 'jokes' would make an onion cry.)
  10. Derby County 4-1 Newcastle United 1992. I wouldn't put this down as a 'favourite' game, but I've never felt as proud to be a Geordie than I did at the Baseball ground that day. Thousands of Mags gave unstinting support after three of our players were sent off as well as Terry Mac getting sent to the stands by a referee called Coddington who wanted to make a name for himself. Facing div 3 squarely in the face the support was as defiant as I can remember and it got through to the likes of David Kelly about the injustice of it all. At 2-0 down and two men down Derby couldn't get the ball off us the backing was intense and we pulled a goal back to mental celebrations, we then went a further player down and the numbers told and the score ended 4-1. Some seats were threw, songs were sung the likes of Kelly threw their shirts into the support after the game, Sutton their keeper came over to our fans after the game and stood applauding. I've never felt as one with our players and my fellow Mags as I did that day. By a quirk of fate, we had to go back down to the Baseball almost straight away in our promotion year and beat a decent side 2-1 with Clarkie getting one of them in a great game which was the start of the belief that we were a good side. Happy days. If Hova is reading, KK played a small part of these happy days.
  11. How about, 'You pack of lying bastards!'
  12. Now that it's in the open, will Ashley distance himself from Llambias? It had been reported that he was going to replace him, or is it more likely that Llambias is just the monkey to Ashleys organ grinder. I'd say the latter.
  13. Are they having a laugh?! Which one's Brian McNally? Cunt Are they having a laugh?! Which one's Brian McNally? Cunt make that fat cunt Make that a fat mackem cunt. He's a 'celtic' fan from Seaham/Seaburn, (can't remember which one). Used to cover SAFC. Lets see how the rest of the media react, if there's nothing more than sensationalism regarding KK's award or £25M 'claim' then they are truly the biggest set of anti-NUFC wankers around, (Outside of FCB).
  14. It's not television, but one of the worst commentators ever was metro radios charles harrison. He had a plummy accent, never got that exited when we scored and for the listener at home, desperately trying to work out what was happening at our game he was the original terry fuckwit. He was literally senseless.
  15. Was that the game where Lee Dixon kicked the shit out of Ginola and Gerald fucking Ashby (hopefully stoking the fires with Moore) gave Ginola no protection at all? IIRC the minute Ginola decided enough was enough and retaliated, he was sent off. Yeah - I was at the game but made the mistake of watching a tape of it - I couldn't believe the commentary. The so called ref was Gerald Ashby and he is also dead - call me a bastard but my reaction to the that particular news was "good". I was at that game too. To this day, every time I see Dixon I want to knock his fucking teeth out. CUNT! Never heard the commentary obviously but so many of them get on my tits anyway. Martin Tyler always uses bollocks like "a goal of prestigious proportions." which he thinks makes him sound like the Shakespear of commentators instead of a knob that he really is. For me, Barry Davies was the best commentator on football, knew when words weren't important, i.e, didn't babble shite about nothing in particular just for the sake of it, theres a goal that Supermac scores at Bolton where Davies describes it as "typical, typical Newcastle goal" which just sounds great. Agree with others about Ian Darke. I wish they'd get rid of the co-commentator as well, they end up agreeing with each other and egging each other on and unbelievably, some people take their word as gospel.
  16. He might be singing 'The Sash'. (Well, he is an 'orange' man, after all......)
  17. He's looking at Big Sam in the stand singing; "....Did you ever know that you're my hero, and everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings." Bless.
  18. Hallelulagh! We might be better than Bolton, etc!
  19. Do you know the way to San Jose? Div 2?
  20. Kevin Nolan! Kevin Dillon with added goals!
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