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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. There have got to be a lot of shy Tories out there when it comes to the polling. I know there always have been and the pollsters are used to weighting for it, but still, surely they'll be keeping quieter than ever given how shameful it is to admit to voting for them now. I still reckon the Tories will be well into three figures at least, but the Reform vote is such a huge unknown factor, so who knows. What I find really interesting from a nerdy perspective is we could be getting MPs elected in some constituencies on 25% of the vote or even low 20s, where you've got a three-way split plus the smaller parties doing OK. No wonder it's all so hard to predict.
  2. As Jan Olsson's coffin inexplicably skids off into the distance.
  3. Meanwhile, in honour of our erstwhile fishbowl midfielder, the Leazes is renamed the Jenas Side.
  4. Pity for Georgia, but we couldn't have two underdogs winning on the same day
  5. "wheeeeeeee, bicycle go fast!"
  6. At least a few suspensions would force Southgate to make changes
  7. Yep. And with it coming down to a few knife-edge states yet again, it's a recipe for guaranteed defeat. Terrific.
  8. Andrés Illingworth is a 2045/46 season FM regen name, surely
  9. This feels like a "Say the line, Meenz!" trap and I am determined not to fall for it. 😏😉🍆
  10. They're trying to overpopulate the UK with migrants, but they're also trying to depopulate the planet with the pandemic. Fucking THEM.
  11. The Greek word for "Georgia" is the same as the Greek word for "agriculture". Fun fact. Well, fact.
  12. Okay, decent Georgian dive to win that pen, honours even
  13. I see Conceição is a diving little shit just like his dad was #neverforget
  14. Either the Netherlands or whoever finishes 3rd in the Romania/Belgium/Slovakia/Ukraine group, depending on nerdy permutations (surely the best kind of permutation).
  15. Meanwhile, the view from abroad: "a medium-sized country with neither partners nor plans is only mildly newsworthy". Ouch. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/24/mood-among-british-voters-election-europe
  16. Netherlands-Austria has been quite the giggle
  17. That, dear friends, is where my partner comes from and my in-laws still live. In fairness, they do their best to avoid the town centre too...
  18. In Soviet Russia, off fucks you.
  19. I hope the chapter on the Wolves badge just says "It's because they're called Wolves"
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