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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Yeah....privatisation has suffered a blow this week... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nhs-hospitals-unsustainable-privatisation-deal-collapses-amid-concerns-over-poor-care-9967479.html "Fuck this for a game of soldiers, we're losing money hand over fist, can we have some more public money to back us up please?"
  2. Get with the program.....those who know better than us in the media spent the autumn telling us Chelsea will walk the league this season... "What can stop Chelsea this season?" Errr....a couple of defeats and three points for a win, which we've had for over thirty years perhaps?..... Can't see anything apart from a medium to large scale twatting myself, but if the players ignore Carver and do their own thing a point maybe obtained...we drew with Burnley before we beat these last month so it's not completely out of the question...Dummet has to play with Colo for us to stand any chance though.
  3. 4 hostages dead at the supermarket
  4. Kosher grocery store incident now elsewhere in Paris, apparently more hostages. Stay safe Chez and family
  5. Just seen his interview....basically said Evans conviction was a big a miscarriage of justice as corrupt police officers falsifying statements from witnesses leading to false inquest verdicts on 96 football supporters who were crushed to death at Hillsborough. I like to think I'm normally not a foaming mouth witch hunter but he should be forced to resign for these comments and when the Hillsborough families get hold of this there's a fair chance he'll have to.
  6. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/noone-murdered-because-of-this-image-onion-article-takes-on-grim-new-relevance
  7. Well yeah, but in the most recent example they weren't a million miles away with Pardew to Palace..
  8. Time to be very afraid....Tim Sherwood has come in from 14/1 to 2/1 according to skybet...don't think anyone's been as short as twos...
  9. This review of his case that's going through at the moment..... When he was released he applied to the crown for leave to appeal his conviction, not sure on what grounds, but that was turned down by the crown. This present review is being entirely funded by his father in law and is aporently doomed to failure too. Doubt if he'll ever play again if this is the case. His registration as a player is with the football league, but they're seemingly unwilling to withdraw it to make sure he definitely can't.
  10. Shola Ameobi - All 79 goals for Newcastle: http://youtu.be/MoavqvRM31A Had to be done
  11. "An attack on freedom of speech"....If you put a poster up at your desk with one of the Charlie cartoons on it taking the piss out of someone's religion I think you'd be soon having a sharp chat with your manager/ HR...I can plainly see the difference to a certain extent, but it amounts to " you've got freedom of speech, but not when it might interfere with making money" which is a pretty strange concept iyam.
  12. We got 16 points from this point last season. It's a gamble, no doubt about it...
  13. If Rangers accept a bid from the yank this week Ashleys screwed as far as owning Rangers though, his hands are tied; he's been told by the sfa he can't buy any more shares due to his ownership of us.
  14. That's doing the rounds too this morning. However, Robert Sarver from the Phoenix Suns has this morning offered 20 million for Rangers + an immediate extra 6milion to tide them over. If he sells us it would appear that he's out of football for good because this is the yanks second bid in a week. Hes keen.
  15. He could, but everything's a gamble with Ashley. If we keep Sissoko I think relegation is unlikely tbh.
  16. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/frank-de-boer-newcastles-shock-4937816 Tbh, if there's anything in it I'd take this as we stand...Carver + Shola till May then De Boer to come in
  17. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/418966/Shola-Ameobi-Newcastle
  18. I was at their place for the midweek league game, he scored a belter. Fuckin dreadful season until Birmingham away, nicked a point and KK had turned it round, twatting Spurs away singing "Keegan is back, Keegan is back, hallo,hallo..." ...little did we know
  19. Apparently so it was quite nice actually, she hoyed a load of the posh smoked paprika she bought at a posh deli in it Not where I'm from son "skids" at our school meant Skids Niven, who was almost exactly Penfold from danger mouse in human teenage boy form Aye there was a doc on bbc2 over Christmas about him, great story, might still be on iplayer if you didn't get see it...
  20. It might be actually...the way Mrs PL is pronouncing it is reminding me of a (former??) Hollywood goddess...
  21. Did he appear in his knickers in a brut advert with 'enry Cooper or something?? Anyway, this evening, I will be mostly eating QUINONA for my tea It's taking burger form apparently, with dates and black beans....honestly she's lost the plot this time, wtf is quinona?....anyone??...
  22. http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/objective-measure-alan-pardew-good-manager/ Discuss
  23. Aye you can pretty much put most pundits into one of those two camps. Mick Quinn was slating Ian Wright in the chronicle yesterday for saying what a great job Pardew had done and basically said Wright's comments were an old pals act.
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