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Has Johnson just stitched up Sunak ?


You can have all my unredacted Covid material, cabinet office have had it all for months.


Less obviously anything probably deleted that shits on himself.

Edited by Toonpack
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I think it's others too, so this potentially sets a pretty awkward precedent. Although the last 13 years has been a fucking avalanche of awkward (amongst other much worse adjectives) precedents, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.

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So these absolute fuckheads are going to request judicial review as to whether the inquiry should be able to see Johnson's unredacted whatsapps. There must be some properly damaging shit, presumably for Sunak, for them to be going to these lengths.

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Sunak pushed to delay the second lockdown and also wanted eat out to help out - both killed thousands. I think Johnson probably think he comes out better on both of these which is why he isn't being his usual evade at all costs self. 

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10 hours ago, ewerk said:

Excellent. There should be some juicy ones to reveal when they inevitably have to hand them over to the inquiry.

Or leaked by some lefty woke public servant :smile:

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I watched some of QT for the first time in yonks yesterday, from Leicester. It was completely different to last time I watched this programme. Some points:

  • Three of the panel were tories if you include Bruce. All seemed embarassed they were.
  • Despite the usual selected audience, everybody was extremely hostile to the conservative party. They have definitely lost the next GE. 
  • Jess Phillips was brilliant and oddly twinge worthy.
  • Chris Patten is one of those old guard tories you used to hate but along with Heseltine and Clarke, you now kind of respect because of what has happened since. Listen to this from Patten., absolutely scathing of the UK (an absolutely right).





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2 hours ago, Renton said:

I watched some of QT for the first time in yonks yesterday, from Leicester. It was completely different to last time I watched this programme. Some points:

  • Three of the panel were tories if you include Bruce. All seemed embarassed they were.
  • Despite the usual selected audience, everybody was extremely hostile to the conservative party. They have definitely lost the next GE. 
  • Jess Phillips was brilliant and oddly twinge worthy.
  • Chris Patten is one of those old guard tories you used to hate but along with Heseltine and Clarke, you now kind of respect because of what has happened since. Listen to this from Patten., absolutely scathing of the UK (an absolutely right).






It's coming, the penny dropping moment isn't far off. Mind you it'll not be a 'oh damn, we were wrong after all and have fucked the entire country', it'll be "well not my fault like is it? you lot shoulda been nicer to us, called us all racists, what did you expect? Your fault this is. Not ours."

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40 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


It's coming, the penny dropping moment isn't far off. Mind you it'll not be a 'oh damn, we were wrong after all and have fucked the entire country', it'll be "well not my fault like is it? you lot shoulda been nicer to us, called us all racists, what did you expect? Your fault this is. Not ours."


You're right, the penny is in mid flight now, pretty near bouncing off the floor. But a defining instinct of the gammon is to blame someone else, anyone else, but themselves. A poorly educated, entitled generation coming into contact with social media for the first time and still heavily influenced by legacy press owned by oligarchs, have fucked over our children's lives completely. Patten is right in that excerpt and things look incredibly bleak currently. And until the country and its leadership (looking at you Starmer) can admit where we have gone wrong and tell the truth of where we are, things will not get much better. 

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7 minutes ago, Renton said:


You're right, the penny is in mid flight now, pretty near bouncing off the floor. But a defining instinct of the gammon is to blame someone else, anyone else, but themselves. A poorly educated, entitled generation coming into contact with social media for the first time and still heavily influenced by legacy press owned by oligarchs, have fucked over our children's lives completely. Patten is right in that excerpt and things look incredibly bleak currently. And until the country and its leadership (looking at you Starmer) can admit where we have gone wrong and tell the truth of where we are, things will not get much better. 


Absolutely, 100% this. Not all of them, some of them have critical thinking skills that are up to the task, but clearly not enough of them.


I always think of my Mum on this front as I think I've said before. She voted remain I'll stress, but she happens to also believe that there is a New World Order forming under the banner of the Catholic church where a single world religion will be imposed on us. And that aliens are already amongst us because Roosevelt's granddaughter says so, and she must be right because she's related to a former president and has a website and everything.


They just weren't equipped for the realities of the modern world.


I swear my Mum is actually a fairly intelligent person aside from the absolute lunacy of those views btw :lol: 

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3 hours ago, Rayvin said:

And that aliens are already amongst us because Roosevelt's granddaughter says so

Mental this. 


Everyone knows David Icke is the go to guy for proof of aliens. 

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So Andy Burnham said last night we need radical reform and MPs should be elected via PR. If only some of you muppets on here had voted for the "King of the North" rather than Corbyn back in 2015 maybe we would have been in a better place. :whistle:

Anyway, got me thinking what needs to happen, which, due to my now amazingly developed photoshop skillz (well MS Paint anyway), I can now share with you graphically.



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Just seen a free paper sitting on the settee and picked it up. WTF is this shit? 


(Unfortunately this MB won't allow my pics I took of the paper but it's called 'The light' and it's full of conspiracy shite about COVID, vaccines, masks etc). 


I wonder who funds this as it's been put through the door? Apparently it's a 'people funded paper' Righto. An opinion piece said 'why don't rock bands just do their jobs anymore?' :lol: 



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1 hour ago, Howmanheyman said:

Just seen a free paper sitting on the settee and picked it up. WTF is this shit? 


(Unfortunately this MB won't allow my pics I took of the paper but it's called 'The light' and it's full of conspiracy shite about COVID, vaccines, masks etc). 


I wonder who funds this as it's been put through the door? Apparently it's a 'people funded paper' Righto. An opinion piece said 'why don't rock bands just do their jobs anymore?' :lol: 




Here's a tip for you. If your mobile photos are too big to upload, take a screenshot and upload that. Saves the hassle of using a resize app. 👍



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14 hours ago, Renton said:


Here's a tip for you. If your mobile photos are too big to upload, take a screenshot and upload that. Saves the hassle of using a resize app. 👍




Deserves a ......



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This all feels really damaging for the government. You've got normal people who just think questions need to be answered, and fruitloops who will think the cover up is to hide the fact that the vaccine makes you gay. And you'll have staunch tories in both of those groups.


Either way that is a lot of people that want to see this done correctly. The content that they're trying to hide must be incredibly damning for them to be taking this to court to keep it hidden.


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